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Is it correct to say a uniform?

Is it correct to say a uniform?

“A uniform” is correct. Any words that start with, A, E, I, O or U, are ‘an’ words, e.g “An animal” “An elephant” “An igloo” “An umbrella” Everything else is “A”, such as “A baby”. However, because the letter ‘U’ is pronounced with a Y, the word becomes “A uniform” instead.

Do you say an uniform or a uniform?

Yes, it is “a” uniform. When it’s the “short a” sound, it takes “an.” For example, an umbrella.

What is another name for a uniform?

Uniforms Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for uniforms?

liveries outfits
costume outfit
ensemble attire
livery uniform
get-up suit

How do you use the word uniform?

evenly spaced.

  1. They are uniform in size and shape.
  2. The uniform was trimmed with gold braid.
  3. I’ve got a thing about men in uniform.
  4. The hat is part of the school uniform.
  5. Can you fancy him in uniform?
  6. I don’t like the color of our school uniform.
  7. I’ve had a thing about men in uniform.

What is the plural of uniform?

(juːnɪfɔːʳm ) Word forms: plural uniforms.

What does it mean to wear a uniform?

According to Wikipedia, a uniform means a set of standard clothing worn by members of an organization while participating in that organization’s activity. People generally wearing uniforms are armed forces, police, emergency services, schools and workplaces.

Do you say a unicorn or an unicorn?

Unicorn doesn’t follow the pattern because, when you say it, it doesn’t start with a vowel. It starts with a consonant. The sound “yu” is a consonant, so we say, “a unicorn.”

Is Ununiform a word?

un-ū′ni-form, adj. not uniform.

Is unvarying a word?

Having no change or variation: changeless, constant, equable, even, invariable, invariant, regular, same, steady, unchanging, uniform.

What is the verb of uniform?

uniformed; uniforming; uniforms. Definition of uniform (Entry 2 of 4) transitive verb. 1 : to bring into uniformity. 2 : to clothe with a uniform.

What does uniformed approach mean?

not changing or different in any way: Making the rules more uniform should reduce the number of cases taken before district law courts. A proposed new framework has been widely praised for providing a uniform approach to the problem of waste disposal.

Which is correct, ” a uniform ” or ” an uniform “?

That is because the pronunciation begins with “yu”, which is a consonant sound. It is difficult to pronounce a word that sounds with a vovel and NOT spells begining a, e, i, o, u. uniform, universe sound like “youniform” . So “a uniform” is correct and “an uniform” is incorrect. On the other hand, HOUR sounds like “aavar” and not “haavar”.

Who are the people who wear a uniform?

People generally wearing uniforms are armed forces, police, emergency services, schools and workplaces. Uniform also means to be the same, and without any difference.

Do you put an before a vowel in uniform?

The rule of placing an before a vowel is actually to place an before a vowel sound. Therefore, because uniform is pronounced with a “y” sound (/ˈjuːnɪfɔːm/), which is not a vowel sound, it takes an a before it. share|improve this answer.

Why is it important to wear the same uniform at work?

A sense of belonging: If the work force wears the same clothes to the workplace then they share a feeling of commonness and belonging, which otherwise gets very difficult to achieve. 4.-