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Is it peacefully or peaceably?

Is it peacefully or peaceably?

As adjectives the difference between peaceable and peaceful is that peaceable is favouring peace rather than conflict; not aggressive, tending to avoid violence (of people, actions etc) while peaceful is not at war or disturbed by strife or turmoil.

How do you use peacefully in a sentence?

Peacefully sentence example

  1. One wants to do it peacefully and lovingly.
  2. The last years of his life were peacefully occupied.
  3. After that time, Ibrahim lived peacefully at the court, cultivating the arts of singing and music.

What is meant by peaceably?

1a : disposed to peace : not contentious or quarrelsome. b : quietly behaved. 2 : free from strife or disorder. Other Words from peaceable Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More About peaceable.

What does it mean to pass away peacefully?

If you say that someone died peacefully, you mean that they suffered no pain or violence when they died. He died peacefully on December 10 after a short illness.

Is there such a word as peaceably?

Meaning of peaceably in English. without violence or war, or in a peaceful way: We want the two states to exist peaceably side by side. They are peaceably exercising their right of free speech.

How do you say peaceably?

peaceably Pronunciation. peace·ab·ly.

What is an example of peacefully?

peaceful. More examples. He died peacefully in his sleep. She gazed peacefully at her beloved garden. We were with her until she took her last breath and she went so peacefully.

What is a noun of peacefully?

peace. A state of tranquility, quiet, and harmony; absence of violence.

What’s another word for peaceably?

1 amicable, friendly; pacifist.

What to say when someone passed peacefully?

DO: Say something

  1. I was so sorry to hear that Susan died.
  2. I can’t imagine how you must be feeling.
  3. We love you and we want you to know we’re thinking of you.
  4. I just wanted to say that if you need to talk, I’m here for you.
  5. I know how much you loved him.
  6. We’re always here for you, if you need anything.

Is Passed Away grammatically correct?

It is grammatical, but no, it is not acceptable. The phrase passed away is a euphemism for ‘died’ and is used in a formal sentence. It is not appropriate to include the cause of death with passed away, although the time and place of death may be. “My grandmother passed away from cancer last night.

What word class is peacefully?

Peacefully is an adverb – Word Type.