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Is raisin bread an element compound solution or heterogeneous mixture?

Is raisin bread an element compound solution or heterogeneous mixture?

Aluminum: element; carbon dioxide: compound; sugar and water: solution, homogeneous mixture; sulfuric acid: compound; an orange: heterogeneous mixture; a pencil: heterogeneous mixture; nitrogen: element; gasoline: solution, homogeneous mixture; raisin bread: heterogeneous mixture; water: pure, compound, tap water.

Is raisin bread an element or compound or mixture?

Aluminum: element, carbon dioxide: compound, sugar and water: solution, homogeneous mixture, sulfuric acid: compound, an orange: heterogeneous mixture, a pencil: heterogeneous mixture, nitrogen: element, gasoline: solution, homogeneous mixture, raisin bread: heterogeneous mixture, water: pure, compound, tap water.

Is bread an element compound or mixture?

Very few samples of matter consist of pure substances; instead, most are mixtures, which are combinations of two or more pure substances in variable proportions in which the individual substances retain their identity. Air, tap water, milk, blue cheese, bread, and dirt are all mixtures.

Is bread a heterogeneous mixture?

A slice of white bread and a slice of ham (c, d) are heterogeneous mixtures. A slice of white bread is considered to be heterogeneous because its crust is different from the interior bread and the bread contains gas bubbles that are clearly seen as tiny holes in the bread.

Is Raisin Bran a compound?

The composition of Raisin Bran varies from scoop to scoop and is a mixture of raisin and flake “elements” that can be easily separated. The elements are not bonded in constant ratios, much like the raisins and flakes in Raisin Bran. Therefore, brass and bronze are simply mixtures of elements.

Is Orange an element a compound a solution or a heterogeneous mixture?


Material Pure Substance or Mixture Element, Compound, Homogeneous, Heterogeneous
iron filings (Fe) Pure Substance Element
limestone (CaCO3) Pure Substance Element
orange juice (w/pulp) Mixture Heterogeneous
Pacific Ocean Mixture Heterogeneous

What is the element of a bread?

A totally natural, basic bread consists of three basic elements; Flour, Water and Salt.

What type of matter is bread?

What state of matter is bread?

Cheese, bread and carrot are solids; you can cut, hold and shape them! The particles in a solid are held together by bonds which are strong forces. There are no spaces for the particles to move about so you cannot pour a solid.