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Is the Han Solo Trilogy canon?

Is the Han Solo Trilogy canon?

The Han Solo Trilogy is a trilogy of now non-canon (Legends) science-fiction novels set in the Star Wars galaxy. It follows Han Solo’s origins and life before the events depicted in the original Star Wars trilogy (1977-1983).

Who wrote the Han Solo Trilogy?

Ann C. Crispin
The Han Solo Trilogy/Authors

The Han Solo Trilogy is a Star Wars Legends hardcover compendium title collecting the three volumes of author A. C. Crispin’s Star Wars: The Han Solo Trilogy from publisher Bantam Spectra: The Paradise Snare, The Hutt Gambit, and Rebel Dawn.

How many pages are in the Paradise snare?

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780553574159
Publication date: 05/05/1997
Series: Star Wars: The Han Solo Trilogy Series , #1
Edition description: Reissue
Pages: 320

Are rebels canon?

Since the animated show was first released in 2014, by the official statement, Star Wars: Rebels are official canon and are a part of the established universe.

Is Star Wars Rogue one canon?

Currently, the official Star Wars canon consists of 13 films: the nine episodes in the Skywalker Saga, two standalone films (Rogue One and Solo), and the 2008 animated feature film, The Clone Wars.

Is the Jedi Academy trilogy canon?

Star Wars: Jedi Academy is a non-canon series of Star Wars young-reader novels by Jeffrey Brown and later Jarrett J.

Is Han Solo at Stars End canon?

The Z-95 Headhunter, which was first mentioned in Han Solo at Stars’ End, has been canonized as a predecessor to the X-wing fighter in works including Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The Tion Hegemony and Etti IV were made canon in official reference material.

Is the 2003 Clone Wars canon?

The 2003 microseries and 2008 series were both considered canon early on, but when Disney bought Lucasfilm in 2012 and retconned the Star Wars timeline, the studio erased the classic Legends continuity and established The Clone Wars as the true, canon version of events.

Is bad batch canon?

Star Wars: The Bad Batch has continued that theme and made some dramatic changes to the old canon, but there were also instances of minor retcons from what Disney had declared as its own canon. So, here’s a list of all the changes that The Bad Batch made to canon — both major and minor.

Why does saw Gerrera have a breathing mask?

History. Saw Gerrera relied on a breath mask by the time of the destruction of Jedha City due to undergoing extensive injuries, and frequently had to put it on to replenish his air supply.

Is JYN ERSO a Jedi?

According to director Gareth Edwards, Jyn Erso’s mother was originally a Jedi Knight and that Krennic was to murder her. This was eventually written out due to the possibility of it becoming confusing as to whether or not Jyn was a Jedi and by extent Force-sensitive.

Is Mara Jade in the Jedi Academy trilogy?

She makes appearances in the Jedi Academy Trilogy, I Jedi, the first two books of the Callista Trilogy, the Corellian Trilogy, and is a main character in the Hand of Thrawn Duology and Survivors Quest. Mara Jade is also a main character in the Allegiance/Choices of One Duology, though that is set after ANH.