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What are 3 divergent boundaries?

What are 3 divergent boundaries?


  • Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
  • Red Sea Rift.
  • Baikal Rift Zone.
  • East African Rift.
  • East Pacific Rise.
  • Gakkel Ridge.
  • Galapagos Rise.
  • Explorer Ridge.

Where are all divergent boundaries?

Most divergent boundaries are located along mid-ocean oceanic ridges (although some are on land). The mid-ocean ridge system is a giant undersea mountain range, and is the largest geological feature on Earth; at 65,000 km long and about 1000 km wide, it covers 23% of Earth’s surface (Figure 4.5.

What are the 5 types of plate boundaries?

What are the major plate tectonic boundaries?

  • Divergent: extensional; the plates move apart. Spreading ridges, basin-range.
  • Convergent: compressional; plates move toward each other. Includes: Subduction zones and mountain building.
  • Transform: shearing; plates slide past each other. Strike-slip motion.

What are the 4 types of boundaries?

Tectonic Plates and Plate Boundaries

  • Convergent boundaries: where two plates are colliding. Subduction zones occur when one or both of the tectonic plates are composed of oceanic crust.
  • Divergent boundaries – where two plates are moving apart.
  • Transform boundaries – where plates slide passed each other.

What are the example of divergent boundary?

mid-Atlantic ridge
Examples of Divergent Boundaries The mid-Atlantic ridge is an example of a divergent boundary, where the Eurasian Plate that covers all of Europe separates from the North American Plate. This underwater mountain range is constantly growing as new crust is formed.

How many crustal plates are there on Earth?

When we talk about tectonic or lithospheric plates, we mean the sections into which the lithosphere is cracked. The surface of the Earth is divided into 7 major and 8 minor plates.

Is transform boundary?

Transform boundaries are places where plates slide sideways past each other. At transform boundaries lithosphere is neither created nor destroyed. Many transform boundaries are found on the sea floor, where they connect segments of diverging mid-ocean ridges. California’s San Andreas fault is a transform boundary.

What are the 3 types of convergent plate boundary movement?

Convergent boundaries , where two plates are moving toward each other, are of three types, depending on the type of crust present on either side of the boundary — oceanic or continental . The types are ocean-ocean, ocean-continent, and continent-continent.

How many tectonic plates are there?

There are seven major plates: African, Antarctic, Eurasian, Indo-Australian, North American, Pacific and South American.

What are the 3 types of physical boundaries?

There are 3 types of physical boundaries:

  • Mountain Boundaries – Are only effective if they’re difficult to cross.
  • Desert Boundaries – A boundary drawn in a desert can also effectively divide two states.
  • Water boundaries – Rivers, lakes, and oceans are the physical features most commonly used as physical boundaries.

What is the 4th type of plate boundary?

What are the 4 types of plate boundary? Convergent boundaries — where crust is destroyed as one plate dives under another. Divergent boundaries: where new crust is generated as the plates pull away from each other. Convergent boundaries: where crust is destroyed as one plate dives under another.