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What are 3 synonyms for delicate?

What are 3 synonyms for delicate?

synonyms for delicate

  • delicious.
  • delightful.
  • elegant.
  • exquisite.
  • fragile.
  • gentle.
  • graceful.
  • mild.

What is a word for very small?

Some common synonyms of tiny are diminutive, little, miniature, minute, and small. While all these words mean “noticeably below average in size,” tiny is an informal equivalent to minute.

What is another word for small or little?

Some common synonyms of small are diminutive, little, miniature, minute, and tiny.

What is something delicate?

The definition of delicate is someone or something that is subtle, fragile, frail or a skilled example of something. An example of delicate is an unboiled egg. An example of delicate is a finally spun piece of glass. An example of delicate is a light and delicious cream sauce.

What is the synonym of word delicate?

Words related to delicate delicious, delightful, elegant, exquisite, fragile, gentle, graceful, mild, rare, soft, subtle, tender, slender, critical, refined, sensitive, precarious, ticklish, touchy, tricky.

Which means extremely small or tiny?

Incalculably, exceedingly, or immeasurably minute. infinitesimal. microscopic. minute. minuscule.

What is the synonym of little?

short, small, slight, thin, petite, diminutive, tiny. squat, stubby. elfin, dwarf, dwarfish, midget, pygmy, bantam, homuncular, Lilliputian.

What is a 7 letter word for small?

Small Crossword Clue

Answer Letters Options
Small with 7 Letters
OBSCURE 7 found
TRIVIAL 7 found
INSULAR 7 found

What is the synonym of delicate?

adjective. fine, deft, elegant, exquisite, graceful, precise, skilled, subtle. subtle, choice, dainty, delicious, fine, savory, tender, yummy (informal) fragile, flimsy, frail, slender, slight, tender, weak. considerate, diplomatic, discreet, sensitive, tactful.

What is the noun for delicate?

The word delicate refers to something which is fine in texture. The noun form of delicate is delicacy which also expresses the fineness of a texture.

What is another word for softly?

Synonyms & Antonyms of softly

  • faintly,
  • feebly,
  • low,
  • noiselessly,
  • quietly.