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What are animals with internal skeletons called?

What are animals with internal skeletons called?

Some animals have an internal skeleton. called an endoskeleton. Other animals possess a skeleton on the outside of their body called an exoskeleton.

What are animals with bony skeletons called?

Pupils learn that not all animals have a bony skeleton! Humans, dogs, cats and birds are examples of animals with bony skeletons. Slugs, worms and jellyfish are examples of animals without a bony skeleton. Pupils learn that all animals with a bony skeleton have a backbone and that these animals are called vertebrates.

What kind of skeleton does an animal have?

Vertebrates are animals which have a spine (a backbone) as part of their skeleton. Many animals are vertebrates, including mammals, fish, birds and reptiles. Most vertebrate animals have endoskeletons. Invertebrates are animals who have no spine as part of their skeleton. Most invertebrates are exoskeletons or hydrostatic skeletons.

What kind of animal has spine and endoskeleton?

Vertebrates are animals which have a spine (a backbone) as part of their skeleton. Many animals are vertebrates, including mammals, fish, birds and reptiles. Most vertebrate animals have endoskeletons. Invertebrates are animals who have no spine as part of their skeleton.

Are there any animals that are not made of bones?

Some animals have skeletons that are not made up of bones. Arthropods are a group of animals whose skeletons are made of a substance called chitin, which is a hard protein material. This gives the creature protection and support. Arthropods include animals like crabs and spiders.

What makes up the skeleton of an arthropod?

Arthropods are a group of animals whose skeletons are made of a substance called chitin, which is a hard protein material. This gives the creature protection and support. Arthropods include animals like crabs and spiders. Skeletons made of chitin are found on the outside of the body, and they are called exoskeletons.