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What are ocean dwellers that birth live babies?

What are ocean dwellers that birth live babies?

Some, like seals and sea otters, can also live on land, but they spend most of their time underwater. These animals have lungs, are warm-blooded, give birth to live babies (they don’t lay eggs) and nurse their babies, but they live in salt water instead of on dry land like most mammals.

Do any sea animals have bones?

Bony fish have jaws and skeletons made of bone rather than cartilage. About 90% of the world’s fish species are bony fish. Bony fish also have hard, bony plates called operculum which help them respire and protect their gills, and they often possess a swim bladder which they use for better control of their buoyancy.

What is a shark egg?

The egg is a capsule that contains a developing animal and a yolk sac which the young gets its nutrition from. A capsule usually houses one embryo, but in some species there are multiple embryos per egg case. Some shark eggs have tendrils that help them hold onto structures on the seafloor ©

What are skate eggs?

Skates lay black leather pouches often called mermaid purses. Whelks lay yellowish-tan rounded egg capsules joined to form a chain that is sometimes called a mermaid’s necklace. For the skates, their egg cases are surrounded by a tough leathery capsule that protects the embryo as it develops inside.

What are animals that live in the ocean called?

The term aquatic can be applied to animals that live in either fresh water or salt water. However, the adjective marine is most commonly used for animals that live in saltwater, i.e. in oceans, seas, etc.

What creature has no bones?

Animals without backbones are called invertebrates. They range from well known animals such as jellyfish, corals, slugs, snails, mussels, octopuses, crabs, shrimps, spiders, butterflies and beetles to much less well known animals such as flatworms, tapeworms, siphunculids, sea-mats and ticks.

What are snake eggs?

Snake eggs are oblong-shaped and have rubbery shells that are pliable. They don’t have hard shells like bird eggs because snakes are cold-blooded reptiles that don’t need to incubate their eggs.

Why is it called a mermaid’s purse?

It is these egg cases which are commonly referred to as mermaids’ purses. As the name suggests egg cases initially contain the fertilized egg of a shark or skate, which over time develops into an embryo. They are made out of the fibrous protein collagen which forms tough leathery pouches.

Where do deep sea creatures lay their eggs?

Scientists have caught a rare glimpse of another deep-sea dweller that may also spend four or more years nursing its eggs, and it does it in an even more unusual place: on hydrothermal vents, where hot water spews from the ocean floor.

What kind of shark lays eggs in cold water?

It’s called the Pacific white skate ( Bathyraja spinosissima ), a bone-white, bug-eyed relative of sharks that can live almost two miles (2,900 meters) underwater. Deep-sea skates, which are shark relatives that resemble rays, lay large eggs that can take years to hatch in cold water.

How long does it take for sea dwellers eggs to hatch?

In the shallow sand, the males swarm the females in hopes of reproducing before it is too late. A female produces a capsule, almost as long as her own body. It contains 200 to 300 eggs that hatch in three to five weeks. The hitch is that all the adults die after mating, leaving the bottom covered in a thick, white blanket of eggs.