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What are the 5 conditions that can disturb genetic equilibrium?

What are the 5 conditions that can disturb genetic equilibrium?

The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium can be disrupted by deviations from any of its five main underlying conditions. Therefore mutation, gene flow, small population, nonrandom mating, and natural selection will disrupt the equilibrium.

What occurs when allele frequencies change as a result of the migration of a small subgroup of a population?

When allele frequencies change due to migration of a small subgroup of a population it is known as the founder effect. The Hardy-Weinberg principle states that allele frequencies in a population will remain constant unless one or more factors cause those frequencies to change.

What occurs when allele frequencies randomly change in?

Genetic drift describes random fluctuations in the numbers of gene variants in a population. Genetic drift takes place when the occurrence of variant forms of a gene, called alleles, increases and decreases by chance over time. These variations in the presence of alleles are measured as changes in allele frequencies.

What is any change in the relative frequency of alleles in a population called?

Sometimes, there can be random fluctuations in the numbers of alleles in a population. These changes in relative allele frequency, called genetic drift, can either increase or decrease by chance over time. Genetic drift can result in the loss of rare alleles, and can decrease the size of the gene pool.

What can disturb genetic equilibrium in a population?

The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium can be disturbed by a number of forces, including mutations, natural selection, nonrandom mating, genetic drift, and gene flow. For instance, mutations disrupt the equilibrium of allele frequencies by introducing new alleles into a population.

When to populations no longer interbreed what is the result?

Reproductive isolation occurs when a population splits into two groups and the two populations no longer interbreed. When populations become reproductively isolated, they can evolve into two separate species.

What situation occurs when members of two different species Cannot interbreed?

Ch. 16 Evolution of Populations

Genetic equilibrium The situation in which allele frequencies do not change, the population will not evolve.
Speciation Changes lead to the formation of new species.
Reproductive isolation When the members of two populations cannot interbreed and produce fertile offspring.

Which statement about inbreeding is correct?

Which statement about inbreeding is correct? ANSWER: Offspring produced by inbreeding have high biological fitness. Inbreeding increases the rate of purifying selection.

What increases genetic variation when animals move from one population to another population?

The flow of individuals in and out of a population introduces new alleles and increases genetic variation within that population. Mutations are changes to an organism’s DNA that create diversity within a population by introducing new alleles.

What is it called if interbreeding Cannot occur within a population and they become different?

New species arise through a process called speciation. In speciation, an ancestral species splits into two or more descendant species that are genetically different from one another and can no longer interbreed.

What conditions can disturb genetic equilibrium and cause evolution to occur?

Factors that disturb the natural equilibrium of gene frequencies include mutation, migration (or gene flow), random genetic drift, and natural selection.