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What are the ab words?

What are the ab words?

9-letter words that start with ab

  • abandoned.
  • abundance.
  • abdominal.
  • abolition.
  • abatement.
  • absorbent.
  • abhorrent.
  • aborigine.

Is Nyet allowed in scrabble?

No, nyet is not in the scrabble dictionary.

What words end with AB?

6-letter words that end in ab

  • confab.
  • prefab.
  • baobab.
  • scarab.
  • mihrab.
  • serdab.
  • liblab.
  • jilbab.

What is Russian Nyet?

Nyet is defined as Russian for no. A Russian man’s answer to being asked if he has a light for a cigarette is an example of nyet. interjection.

What is a Zeek in slang?

zeek out. slang To act in an erratic, unpredictable, or uncontrollable manner.

What is a Zeek?

Zeek, formerly known as Bro, is an open-source software framework for analyzing network traffic that is most commonly used to detect behavioral anomalies on a network for cybersecurity purposes.

What are cool words that start with B?

40 Brilliant Words That Begin With the Letter B BABBITTISM. Nobel Prize winner Sinclair Lewis’s controversial 1922 satire Babbitt tells the story of fictional Midwest businessman George F. BABBLATIVE. If you’re babblative, then you’re prone to babble or chatter. BACK-DOUBLE. BACKSPANG. BAFFLEGAB. BAGGAGE-SMASHER. BAGGAGERY. BAHUVRIHI. BAISEMAIN. BALATROON.

What are nice words that start with B?

Nice, positive words that start with B are listed below. beaming. beautiful. bedazzled. beloved. benevolent. bewitching. bewitchingly.

What are some words that start with Z?

In chemistry “Z” is used to represent the symbol for atomic number. In Mathematics “Z” is any unknown, variable, or unspecified factor, number, person, or thing. Some commonly used words starting with alphabet ” Z ” are: zoo, zebra, zebra, zeast, zing, zeal, zinc, zip, zodiac, zone, zoologist, zygote, zero.