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What are the factors to consider when siting a landfill?

What are the factors to consider when siting a landfill?

The most widely used factors for selecting a landfill site are groundwater depth, surface water vicinity, elevation, land slope, soil permeability, soil stability, flooding susceptibility, lithology and stratification, faults, land use type, nearby settlements and urbanization, cultural and protected site vicinity.

What are the design goals of a landfill?

The objective of sanitary landfill design is to provide for safe disposal of waste while protecting human health and the environment. Sanitary landfills should be designed and managed to protect soil, ground water, surface water and air.

What is one method that can be used in the construction of a landfill which will make it less likely to contaminate groundwater?

Solution #1: Treating Toxins Newer landfills are being constructed with synthetic membranes to prevent mercury from escaping into soil and groundwater. Instead, the toxins are drained through a collection of pipes and discharged into a sewer system where they can be retained, incinerated or converted into fertilizer.

What are landfills What factors must be kept in mind while planning a landfill?

Explanation: Factors that should be considered when choosing a landfill are topographic relief, location of the water table, amount of precipitation, type of rock and soil and location of the disposal zone in the surface water and groundwater flow systems.

What are the phases of landfill stabilization?

Generally, it is accepted that landfills undergo at least four phases of decomposition, (1) an initial aerobic phase, (2) an anaerobic acid phase, (3) an initial methanogenic phase, and (4) a stable methanogenic phase (Christensen and Kjeldsen, 1995).

What are the standards for a landfill site?

The new landfill standards contained in Regulation 232/98 include requirements for design, operation, closure, post-closure care and financial assurance. The standards apply to all new or expanding municipal (i.e. non-hazardous) waste landfilling sites larger than 40,000 cubic metres.

What kind of waste does a municipal landfill receive?

A municipal solid waste landfill (MSWLF) is a discrete area of land or excavation that receives household waste. A MSWLF may also receive other types of nonhazardous wastes, such as commercial solid waste, nonhazardous sludge, conditionally exempt small quantity generator waste, and industrial nonhazardous solid waste.

What are the acceptance criteria for Class B landfills?

Waste acceptance criteria for Class B landfills 1 Is the waste prohibited from landfill disposal? Is the waste included in the list of prohibited wastes? 2 Is the waste a solid? Does the waste pass the Paint Filter Test? 3 Does the waste comply with the cleanfill definition? 4 Is the waste asterisked on the NZ Waste List?

Can a non hazardous waste go to a landfill?

Non liquid wastes marked as not hazardous (i.e. non-asterisked) are suitable for disposal to Class A landfills.