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What are the main consequences of climate change?

What are the main consequences of climate change?

Impacts. Humans and wild animals face new challenges for survival because of climate change. More frequent and intense drought, storms, heat waves, rising sea levels, melting glaciers and warming oceans can directly harm animals, destroy the places they live, and wreak havoc on people’s livelihoods and communities.

What are 2 natural climate changes?

The earth’s climate is influenced and changed through natural causes like volcanic eruptions, ocean currents, the Earth’s orbital changes, solar variations and internal variability.

What is the cause and consequence of climate change?

Humans are increasingly influencing the climate and the earth’s temperature by burning fossil fuels, cutting down forests and farming livestock. This adds enormous amounts of greenhouse gases to those naturally occurring in the atmosphere, increasing the greenhouse effect and global warming.

What are the consequences of climate change Wikipedia?

Ongoing effects include rising sea levels due to thermal expansion and melting of glaciers and ice sheets, and warming of the ocean surface, leading to increased temperature stratification. Other possible effects include large-scale changes in ocean circulation.

What are the consequences of global warming essay?

2 Global warming has severe consequences. It results in hotter days, rising sea levels, frequent and intense extreme weather events, acidifying oceans, coral bleaching and more. It also hampers the ecosystems, species, and damages homes.

What are the two main causes of climate change?

The main causes of climate change are:

  • Humanity’s increased use of fossil fuels – such as coal, oil and gas to generate electricity, run cars and other forms of transport, and power manufacturing and industry.
  • Deforestation – because living trees absorb and store carbon dioxide.

What are the consequences of global warming Class 9?

change in the amount and pattern of precipitation, i.e., rain, snow, etc. melting of polar ice and rise of sea level, extreme weather conditions like floods, droughts, heat wave, hurricanes and tornadoes, etc.

What are the consequences of climate change on the physical environment?

Increased heat, drought and insect outbreaks, all linked to climate change, have increased wildfires. Declining water supplies, reduced agricultural yields, health impacts in cities due to heat, and flooding and erosion in coastal areas are additional concerns.

What is global warming write any two consequences of global warming?

Global warming stresses ecosystems through temperature rises, water shortages, increased fire threats, drought, weed and pest invasions, intense storm damage and salt invasion, just to name a few.