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What are the numbers in Hawaiian?

What are the numbers in Hawaiian?

Numbers in Hawaiian

Numeral Cardinal numbers
9 ῾eiwa, iwa, ῾aiwa
10 ῾umi
11 ῾umikūmākahi (10 and 1)
12 ῾umikūmālua (10 and 2) etc.

What god do Hawaiians believe in?

Hawaiian religion is polytheistic, with many deities, most prominently Kāne, Kū, Lono and Kanaloa. Other notable deities include Laka, Kihawahine, Haumea, Papahānaumoku, and, most famously, Pele. In addition, each family is considered to have one or more guardian spirits known as ʻaumakua that protected family.

Who are the 4 main Hawaiian gods?

In common with their Polynesian ancestors, the Hawaiian people recognized four major gods (akua): Kane, Kū, Lono, and Kanaloa. Among the countless demigods and goddesses were some that were common to other Polynesians, such as Pele, Hina, and Māui. Many of these lesser gods were of local origin.

What does Kanaloa mean?

In the traditions of ancient Hawaiʻi, Kanaloa is a god symbolized by the squid or by the octopus, and is typically associated with Kāne. It is also an alternative name for the island of Kahoʻolawe. Kanaloa is also traditionally depicted as an ocean god, hence his association with seamanship, or cephalopods.

How do you count to 3 in Hawaiian?

See if you can learn to count to ten in Hawaiian!…Hawaiian Numbers-1 to 10.

Three ‘Ekolu
Four ‘Eha
Five ‘Elima
Six ‘Eono

How do you say 70 in Hawaiian?

I will then take you from 10 to 19 and introduce the “joining” or “glue” sound -kūmā- which allows you to create 11 by saying “10-kūmā-1”, 12 by saying “10-kūmā-2”, and so on up to “10-kūmā-9”….Learn Your Numbers.

Numbers 30 – 90
70 kana-hiku 80 kanawalu
90 kana-iwa

Who is the god Kāne?

In Hawaiian mythology, Kāne is considered the highest of the four major Hawaiian deities, along with Kanaloa, Kū, and Lono, though he is most closely associated with Kanaloa. He represented the god of procreation and was worshipped as ancestor of chiefs and commoners.

How do you count to 5 in Hawaiian?

See if you can learn to count to ten in Hawaiian!…Hawaiian Numbers-1 to 10.

Four ‘Eha
Five ‘Elima
Six ‘Eono
Seven ‘Ehiku

What are the cardinal numbers in Hawaiian mythology?

Numbers in Hawaiian Numeral Cardinal numbers Ordinal numbers 9 ῾eiwa, iwa, ῾aiwa kanaiwa, hapa iwa 10 ῾umi ῾umi, hapa῾umi 11 ῾umikūmākahi (10 and 1) 12 ῾umikūmālua (10 and 2) etc.

How many Native Hawaiians are there in the world?

This is the peak population of singularly Native Hawaiian people on the islands, with the 293,000 of today being made of both dual lineage Native Hawaiian and mixed lineage/ multi-racial Native Hawaiians. This was also the highest number of any Native Hawaiians living on the island until 2014, a period of almost 226 years.

Where are the most sacred places in Hawaii?

The terrace, a sacred temple called Hikiau Heiau, dates to the 18th century, if not earlier. Puu Loa Petroglyphs. About 16 miles from the rim of Kilauea, on the southeastern coast of the Big Island, is a trailhead that leads to Puu Loa, Hawaii’s largest field of petroglyphs.

How many numbers are there in Hawaiian numerals?

Numbers in Hawaiian Numeral Cardinal numbers 27 iwakāluakūmāhiku 28 iwakāluakūmāwalu 29 iwakāluakūmāiwa 30 *) kanakolu