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What are the openings in special epidermal cells that allow transpiration to occur?

What are the openings in special epidermal cells that allow transpiration to occur?

stomate, also called stoma, plural stomata or stomas, any of the microscopic openings or pores in the epidermis of leaves and young stems. Stomata are generally more numerous on the underside of leaves.

Does transpiration occur in epidermal cells?

It occurs through the cuticle or epidermal cells of the leaves and other exposed parts of the plant. In common land plants cuticular transpiration is only 3-10% of the total transpiration.

Does transpiration occur in Hydrophytes?

For example, Xerophytes, thrive in very dry environments and have evolved to conserve water. Conversely, Hydrophytes are aquatic or semi-aquatic plants that thrive in very wet environments and have evolved to have a higher transpiration rate. The structures of the plant play a large role in transpiration rates.

Is diffusion involved in transpiration?

Transpiration is the evaporation of water from the spongy mesophyll cells followed by the diffusion of water through the air spaces and out of the stomata .

Does transpiration occur through stem?

Transpiration mainly takes place through surface of leaves. It is known as Foliar transpiration (more than 90%). Transpiration occurs through young or mature stem is called as Cauline transpiration.

What is transpiration where it occurs?

Transpiration is the evaporation of water from plants occurring at the leaves while their stomata are open for the passage of CO2 and O2 during photosynthesis.

What cells are in epidermis?

Three main populations of cells reside in the epidermis: keratinocytes, melanocytes, and Langerhans cells. Keratinocytes are the predominant cells in the epidermis, which are constantly generated in the basal lamina and go through maturation, differentiation, and migration to the surface.

Which is a type of epidermal cell?

The epidermis has three main types of cell: Keratinocytes (skin cells) Melanocytes (pigment-producing cells) Langerhans cells (immune cells).

What are specialized parenchyma cells?

Parenchyma cells in the mesophyll of leaves are specialised parenchyma cells called chlorenchyma cells (parenchyma cells with chloroplasts). Parenchyma cells are also found in other parts of the plant. Other specialised functions such as aeration (aerenchyma) provides buoyancy and helps aquatic plants float.