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What are the Spanish months?

What are the Spanish months?

Starting with January, the names of the Spanish months go as follows:

  • enero = january.
  • febrero = february.
  • marzo = march.
  • abril = april.
  • mayo = may.
  • junio = june.
  • julio = july.
  • agosto = august.

Is January enero a cognate word month?

All the months of the year are Spanish Cognates EXCEPT January (enero). *Remember: a cognate is a word in two (or more) languages that share similar (and sometimes exact) spelling, pronunciation and (possibly) meaning.

What are the abbreviations for the months of the year in Spanish?

There are 12 months in a year; enero, Febrero, marzo, abril, mayo, junio, julio, agosto, septiembre, octobre, noviembre, deciembre. The month abbreviation are enero, feb, mar, abr, mayo, Jun, Jul, agosto, sept, oct, nov, dic. We also did what is year, leap year, month, week, day and season called in Spanish.

What season is Enero in?

Months in Spanish

English Spanish
January Enero
February Febrero
March Marzo
April Abril

Do Spanish capitalize months?

Capital Letters in Spanish Writing. The following terms are not capitalized in Spanish unless they begin sentences: the subject pronoun “yo”; the names of months, and days of weeks; the names of languages and nationalities; nouns and adjectives derived from proper nouns. [1] Joseph Gibaldi.

Why is Enero Spanish January?

The origin of the names of the current months in Spanish can be traced back to the Julian calendar: Enero – From Latin, januarius, honors Janus, the two-faced God that looked upon the past and the future. Romulus consecrated this month, which was the first of the year in the old Roman calendar.

What is the abbreviation of enero?


No. Month Abbreviation
1 enero enero
2 febrero feb.
3 marzo marzo
4 abril abr.

What is the abbreviation for the months?

March, April, May, June and July are never abbreviated in text, but the remaining months are when they are followed by a date (Jan. 27), and are correctly abbreviated Jan., Feb., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec.

How do you say 3 months in Spanish?

In Spanish, three months can be adjectives as well as nouns. These are: abrileño (from abril) marzal (from marzo)

What are 2 spring months in Spanish?

Months in Spanish

English Spanish
February Febrero
March Marzo
April Abril
May Mayo

How do you say the months in Spanish?

How to say the months, in Spanish. The word for months, in Spanish, is ‘meses’. The singular version of that is ‘mes’; just one month.

How do you say what month is it in Spanish?

When someone asks you the date in Spanish, you’ll always follow the same formula. Start with el (ELL), followed by the number that corresponds to the day. Then say de (DAY) followed by the name of the month. You can start by saying hoy es (OY ESS) before the date, which means “today is.”.

How do you say March the month in Spanish?

Words for the months are very similar in English and Spanish thanks to their common heritage: enero — January. febrero — February. marzo — March. abril — April. mayo — May. junio — June. julio — July.