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What are the three classification levels of information?

What are the three classification levels of information?

The U.S. classification of information system has three classification levels — Top Secret, Secret, and Confidential — which are defined in EO 12356.

What are the different types of briefings?

There are four (4) basic types: the information brief, the decision brief, the staff brief, and the mission brief. Although there are elements, which are common to all four, each type of brief is distinct in that it is designed to accomplish a specific purpose. a.

What is considered classified national security information?

Classified National Security Information (“Classified Information”): Information that has been determined, pursuant to Executive Order 12958, as amended, or any predecessor order, to require protection against unauthorized disclosure and is marked to indicate its classified status when in documentary form.

What is included in decision briefings?

When the briefer is unfamiliar with the problem; what is included in the decision briefing format? All facts and assumptions relevant to the problem, a discussion of alternatives, analysis-based conclusions, and any coordination required. This is a decision briefing.

Which type of briefing is delivered?

Field-Level Briefing is delivered to individual resources or crews who are assigned to operational tasks and/or work at or near the incident site. This level involves resources assigned to operational tasks and/or work at or near the incident site.

What kind of information is classified?

In the U.S., information is called “classified” if it has been assigned one of the three levels: Confidential, Secret, or Top Secret.

What are briefings in the Army?

Briefings are a means of presenting information to commanders, staffs, or other designated audiences. The techniques employed are determined by the purpose of the briefing, the desired response, and the role of the briefer.

Which type of briefing is delivered to individual resources?

Field-level briefings
Field-level briefings are delivered to individual resources or crews who are assigned to operational tasks and/or work at or near the incident site.