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What are three cultural influences?

What are three cultural influences?

Cultural influences means historical, geographical, and familial factors that affect assessment and intervention processes.

How does art influence culture examples?

Art influences society by changing opinions, instilling values and translating experiences across space and time. Research has shown art affects the fundamental sense of self. Painting, sculpture, music, literature and the other arts are often considered to be the repository of a society’s collective memory.

What cultures had major influence to arts?

Specifically, China and Islam have a rich history of artistic influence that can be traced back to the ancient trade routes of the Silk Road. Since that time, Chinese and Islamic cultures have been open to a flow of ideas, artistic inspiration, and people.

What things does culture influence?

Culturally determined characteristics include: the language spoken at home; religious observances; customs (including marriage customs that often accompany religious and other beliefs); acceptable gender roles and occupations; dietary practices; intellectual, artistic, and leisure-time pursuits; and other aspects of …

What is cultural art?

Cultural arts, such as music, art, drama, creative writing, photography and dance, are tools that help develop the mind and body, refine feelings, and thoughts and reflect and represent our customs and values as a society. The arts help us explore our society and ourselves. …

What influenced artists?

Artists are influenced by just about anything – their life, environment, childhood, school, work, television, movies, other artists, etc. I think everything we see and experience in life influences our art in some way, whether directly or indirectly. All artists have influences, whether we want to admit it or not.

How does culture influence an individual?

Relationships: Culture influences how you enter into and maintain relationships. Personality traits: Culture influences whether and how you value traits like humility, self-esteem, politeness, and assertiveness. Culture also influences how you perceive hardship and how you feel about relying on others.

How culture influence an individual?

Personality traits: Culture influences whether and how you value traits like humility, self-esteem, politeness, and assertiveness. Culture also influences how you perceive hardship and how you feel about relying on others.