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What causes a volcano erupt?

What causes a volcano erupt?

Volcanic eruption, magma caused by sediment in the bowels of the earth is pushed out by high-pressure gas.

What are the steps in a volcano eruption?

Volcano eruptions go through several stages typically beginning with earthquake swarms and gas emissions, then moving to initial steam and ash venting, lava dome buildup, dome collapse, magmatic explosions, more dome growth interspersed with dome failures and finally, ash, lava and pyroclastic eruptions.

Where do volcanoes usually erupt?

The Earth’s volcanoes erupt most often near the boundaries of the 16 tectonic plates that form the planet’s outer crust. The vast majority of those plate boundaries are found along ocean floors.

Which event causes a volcanic eruption?

Volcanoes are formed by eruptions of lava and ash when magma rises through cracks or weak-spots in the Earth’s crust. A build up of pressure in the earth is released, by things such as a plate movement which forces molten rock to exploded into the air causing a volcanic eruption.