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What did Puritan teenagers?

What did Puritan teenagers?

They might learn to read and write at home, or they might attend a ‘dame school’ which taught simple reading, writing and arithmetic.

What did the Puritans want to practice?

The Puritans were English Protestants in the 16th and 17th centuries who sought to purify the Church of England of Roman Catholic practices, maintaining that the Church of England had not been fully reformed and should become more Protestant.

What did children do in Puritan society?

Puritan children did what the adults did: chores, attending church services, and not showing individual differences. Children did not have much time to socialize and play with each other, and there were not many games or toys because Puritans saw these things as sinful distractions.

What was Puritan education?

The Puritans, in contrast, believed that everyone needed to be educated so that they could read and follow the teachings of the Bible. They felt if the whole of society would read the bible their society would be right and flourish.

What Puritan children taught?

All the Puritan children were taught to read, to understand the Bible, and to know the laws of the country. Reading schools were usually the only education for girls, but boys would go to grammar schools after reading schools.

How was education important to the Puritans?

How did Puritans influence American education?

Both the Pilgrims and the Puritans eventually established their own churches and schools in the new colony to aid in the teaching and practice of the scriptures according their interpretations and beliefs. These schools formed the earliest framework for the Christian roots of the education system in America.

What was the Puritan society like?

The Puritans were an industrious people, and virtually everything within the house was made by hand – including clothes. The men and boys took charge of farming, fixing things around the house, and caring for livestock. The women made soap, cooked, gardened, and took care of the house.