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What did the Council of Trent agree on quizlet?

What did the Council of Trent agree on quizlet?

The Council of Trent addressed church reform and rejected Protestantism, defined the role and canon of scripture and the seven sacraments, and strengthened clerical discipline in education.

Which item did Council of Trent not agree on?

The doctrine of Sola Scriptura was rejected at Trent. The Council affirmed two sources of special revelation: Holy Scripture (e.g., all the books included in the Latin Vulgate version) and traditions of the church (including the “unwritten traditions”).

What was the main purpose of the Council of Trent?

Why was the Council of Trent convened? The Council of Trent was the formal Roman Catholic reply to the doctrinal challenges of the Protestant Reformation. It served to define Catholic doctrine and made sweeping decrees on self-reform, helping to revitalize the Roman Catholic Church in the face of Protestant expansion.

What did the Council of Trent decide about transubstantiation?

In 1551, the Council of Trent declared that the doctrine of transubstantiation is a dogma of faith and stated that “by the consecration of the bread and wine there takes place a change of the whole substance of the bread into the substance of the body of Christ our Lord and of the whole substance of the wine into the …

What were the three outcomes of the Council of Trent?

What were three outcomes of the Council of Trent? The three outcomes of the Council of Trent where that is established a confession of faith and supremacy of the Papcy, it condemned the Protestant doctrine of justification by faith, and it rejected the Protestant view of Scripture alone.

What was the Council of Trent What did the Council do?

The Council of Trent was the formal Roman Catholic reply to the doctrinal challenges of the Protestant Reformation. It served to define Catholic doctrine and made sweeping decrees on self-reform, helping to revitalize the Roman Catholic Church in the face of Protestant expansion.

Did John Calvin believe in transubstantiation?

Early Reformed theologians such as John Calvin and Huldrych Zwingli rejected the Roman Catholic belief in transubstantiation, that the bread and wine of the Eucharist change into Christ’s body and blood, but taught that Christ’s person, including his body and blood, are presented to Christians who partake of it in …

What were the beliefs of the Council of Trent?

The Council of Trent refuted many beliefs of Martin Luther and the Lutherans. One important belief that they condemned was the belief of justification by scripture alone, with the Council saying that it should be justification by faith, scripture, and tradition. However, one of the most important beliefs that was refuted was the use of indulgences.

What were the primary goals of the Council of Trent?

The Council of Trent was the most important movement of the Catholic Counter-Reformation, the Catholic Church’s first significant reply to the growing Protestants Reformation. The primary purpose of the council was to condemn and refute the beliefs of the Protestants,…

What was decided at the Council of Trent?

After much disputing between Germany and Rome, Emperor Charles V decided that he considered the calling of a general council to be expedient and proposed the city of Trent as the place of assembly. The Council of Trent met 25 times and made many decisions about Christian doctrine.

What were the final decrees of the Council of Trent?

The final decree of the Council of Trent was to reaffirm the traditional Catholic teachings in position of protestant beliefs.