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What do poor people have that the rich don t?

What do poor people have that the rich don t?

The riddle: What is greater than God, More evil than the devil, The poor have it, The rich don’t need it, And if you eat it, you’ll die? The answer to the riddle is “nothing.” Nothing is greater than God. Nothing is more evil than the Devil.

What resources do poor people need?

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

  • Health Insurance Marketplace.
  • Medicaid.
  • Child’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
  • Subsidized Housing, Housing Vouchers, and Public Housing Programs.
  • Supplemental Security Income Program (SSI)
  • Welfare or TANF.
  • Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
  • What are the common features of the poor?

    Characteristics of Poor

    • Low level of income. Poor people usually look assets as well as in urban area.
    • Bad Housing Condition. The housing condition of a majority of the Nepalese people is very bad.
    • Literacy.
    • Occupation.
    • High Expenditure Pattern.
    • Demographic Pattern.
    • High Gender Disparity.
    • Lack of access to state facilities.

    What do poor people wish for?

    So what do poor people want? But near the top in most countries is a desire for a job, better connections to the rest of the world, a reduced threat of violence, and an end to the regular daily humiliations and disrespect that are too often the reality for poor people.

    What makes the poor poor?

    The United Nations Social Policy and Development Division identifies “inequalities in income distribution and access to productive resources, basic social services, opportunities” and more as a cause for poverty. Groups like women, religious minorities, and racial minorities are the most vulnerable.

    Who are rural poor give examples?

    Many of the rural poor are family farmers, subsistence producers, or landless agricultural workers. They include fisherfolk, pastoralists, and forest-dependent peoples with limited access to productive means. Rural families increasingly depend on non-farm incomes.

    What kind of things do poor people need?

    Poor people need the very basic in creature-comforts: Food on their plates, clothes and shoes, a roof over their heads, with a place to sleep. In that order. When they have those thjngs, then they can clean themselves up, so they can get a job.

    What do poor people have to deny themselves?

    The poor must deny themselves most trappings of: and so, so many more things that don’t fit into those categories (technological gadgets, organic food, travel, expensive clothes and accessories). They have to actively deny themselves these things every day.

    How many poor people are in the United States?

    This from a guy who just made 20 sweeping assertions about 47 million poor people in the U.S. — all based on a survey of 361 individuals. That’s right.