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What do you do when your hypothesis is wrong?

What do you do when your hypothesis is wrong?

  1. 1 Record Actual Results. When a hypothesis is disproven, that does not indicate a failed experiment.
  2. 2 Explain What Was Wrong. Make a list of everything that was wrong with the hypothesis.
  3. 3 Additional Information. Write down the information that was discovered from the experiment.
  4. 4 New Hypothesis.

What data do you have to support your hypothesis?

First, it must state an expected relationship between variables. Second, it must be testable and falsifiable; researchers must be able to test whether a hypothesis is truth or false.

Does your data support your hypothesis?

If the data supports the hypothesis, then we consider the hypothesis to be verified and true. If however, the data does not support the hypothesis or refutes it, then the hypothesis is in trouble, and we have to come up with a different hypothesis to explain the observations.

Does the data support or not support the hypothesis?

What happens when your data do not support your hypothesis?

If the data consistently do not support the hypothesis, then CLEARLY, the hypothesis is NOT a reasonable explanation of what you are investigating. The hypothesis is rejected, and we search for a new interpretation, an new hypothesis that supports the experimental data.

What happens when an experiment fails to support a hypothesis?

Failed Hypothesis. An experiment is designed to either disprove or support a hypothesis. Your experiement is a success whether or not your hypothesis was disproven; it still provides valuable data, even if the data if different that what you expected. You should always record the accurate results and make conclusions based on this information.

Is it possible to definitively disprove a hypothesis?

First, it is important to note that you can definitively disprove something, but it is impossible to prove or confirm a hypothesis, only to support it. Whether your hypothesis was supported or not, the experiment added to what you know about your initial question, and there are always more questions to answer.

Do you record the results of a failed hypothesis?

You should always record the accurate results and make conclusions based on this information. Science isn’t about being wrong or right; it is about finding an answer, and a failed hypothesis is a step in this direction. Are you a student or a teacher?