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What does a Nerf shark eat?
Their diet consists of bottom-dwelling fish, octopus, squid, clams, conches, crabs, lobster, shrimp, sea urchins and coral. They have small mouths, but strong suction power that allows them to vacuum up food at high speeds.
Do nerf sharks eat humans?
In the last few decades, there have been a total of 44 recorded, provoked nurse shark attacks on humans, though none of these has been fatal. They leave a concave hole where they’ve turned flesh into hamburger.” For this reason, nurse shark bites are one of the most difficult kind to recover from.
Who eats Nursesharks?
Nurse Sharks prey on squid, fish, and octopus. What are some predators of Nurse Sharks? Predators of Nurse Sharks include humans, bull sharks, and tiger sharks.
Can nurse sharks hurt you?
Hocher told INSIDER that interacting with nurse sharks is usually a safe activity, but the sharks do occasionally bite humans. Hocher said that the nurse sharks have bitten people from time to time because they can mistake hands or feet for food.
What do GREY nurse shark eat?
Grey Nurse Sharks are more active at night, when they feed upon fish, smaller sharks, rays, squid and crustaceans.
Is a nurse shark a shark?
The nurse shark is a common large inshore shark (primarily benthic) inhabiting the continental and insular shelves throughout tropical and subtropical waters within its range.
What is a predator to a nurse shark?
Although the Nurse shark has no real predator, remains of Nurse sharks have been found in the stomachs of Tiger sharks , and Lemon sharks . Also, there have been reports of Bull sharks , and Great white sharksfeeding on Nurse sharks. [1] GalleryEdit
How does nurse shark get their food?
Nurse Shark Feeding. At night, the groups of Nurse Sharks become solitary and they go find food. They find it in the sediment at the bottom of the sea. They consume a variety of food items including sea snakes, fish, stingrays, mollusks, tunicates, and crustaceans . They move very slowly along the bottom of the water to get their food.
What is the behavior of a nurse shark?
Behavior. Nurse sharks are nocturnally active, and are mostly solitary as they search for food. During the day, however, they will congregate in groups of up to 40 individuals, often lying in a sluggish pile on the ocean floor, or hidden under ledges or crevices in the reef.
What does a grey nurse shark eat for food?
The grey nurse sharks eat mainly lobsters, crabs, smaller sharks, fish, rays and squid . Distribution [ edit ] The grey nurse sharks live near the coast in sub-tropical to cool-temperate waters near most continental land masses (not found in the eastern Pacific Ocean off North and South America).