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What does atomically mean in programming?

What does atomically mean in programming?

In computer programming, atomic describes a unitary action or object that is essentially indivisible, unchangeable, whole, and irreducible. 1) In Structured Query Language , an atomic function is one that will either complete or return to its original state if a power interruption or an abnormal end occurs.

What is the meaning of Automic?

b : acting or done spontaneously or unconsciously the automatic applause of the audience. c : done or produced as if by machine : mechanical the answers were automatic. 2 : having a self-acting or self-regulating mechanism an automatic transmission. 3 of a firearm : firing repeatedly until the trigger is released.

What does this word mean academically?

: in an academic way: such as. a : with regard to formal studies or academics doing well academically academically advanced students And it has made them more appealing to colleges, which have grown more welcoming as they find that homeschoolers do fine academically.—

Does atomic mean small?

Very small; infinitesimal. Of an atom or atoms. Of, using, or powered by nuclear energy. An atomic submarine.

What does atomically mean in C?

Atomicity. In computer programming, an operation done by a computer is considered atomic if it is guaranteed to be isolated from other operations that may be happening at the same time.

Are function calls atomic?

Each method call is atomic but when you put two together the combination is not atomic. get and getAndIncrement have been explicitly made atomic. Once you add other code (or a combination of the calls) it is not atomic unless you make it so.

What is the meaning of arithmetical?

(ærɪθmetɪkəl ) adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] Arithmetical calculations, processes, or skills involve the addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division of numbers.

What does Matic mean?

-matic, a suffix in English words referring to automatic.

What is school academic?

Academic is used to describe work, or a school, college, or university, that places emphasis on studying and reasoning rather than on practical or technical skills.

What is academic assistance?

The term academic support may refer to a wide variety of instructional methods, educational services, or school resources provided to students in the effort to help them accelerate their learning progress, catch up with their peers, meet learning standards, or generally succeed in school.

What is another word for atomic?

What is another word for atomic?

nuclear thermonuclear
fissionable atom-powered
nuclear-powered fissile