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What does empowered mean in the giver?

What does empowered mean in the giver?

empowered. invested with legal power or official authority.

Where is the word prominent in the giver?

used in The Giver. Next, Mother, who held a prominent position at the Department of Justice, talked about her feelings.

What page is dismayed on in the giver?

Dismayed (pg. 69): cause (someone) to feel consternation and distress.

Where is admonition in the giver?

used in The Giver. a warning or bit of advice — such as “Don’t drink and drive.” He was very aware of his own admonition not to discuss his training.

Whats empowered means?

: having the knowledge, confidence, means, or ability to do things or make decisions for oneself … generations of educated, empowered women are moving into leadership across all sectors …—

What makes empowered?

Personal empowerment is about taking control of your own life, and making positive decisions based on what you want. It’s closely linked to attributes like self-esteem and self-confidence , but true empowerment comes when you convert intention into action.

What does serene mean in the giver?

115.4. serene = calm and untroubled.

What does wheedle mean in the giver?

wheedle. influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering. But like all parents- all adults- they didn’t fight and wheedle for their turn.

Why is Jonas scared of lying?

Why is Jonas scared about the rule of lying? He thinks that maybe everyone in the community lies. What role does the Giver play? He must transmit all his memories to Jonas.

What does commerce mean in the giver?

Commerce. Book: The classes were the same: language and communications; ________ and industry; science and technology; civil procedures and government. Definition: Intellectual or spiritual interchange; communication. Admonition.

Was Jonas allowed medication?

Jonas is not allowed to take any medication for pain or injuries associated with his training. He is only allowed to take medication for injuries or pain unrelated to his training.

What does carnage mean in the giver?

the savage and excessive killing of many people
carnage. the savage and excessive killing of many people.