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What does it mean to disembodied someone?

What does it mean to disembodied someone?

adjective. lacking a body or freed from the body; incorporeal. lacking in substance, solidity, or any firm relation to reality.

What is disembodied sound?

1 adj Disembodied means seeming not to be attached to or to come from anyone. A disembodied voice sounded from the back of the cabin.

What is a disembodied spirit?

Definitions of disembodied spirit. any incorporeal supernatural being that can become visible (or audible) to human beings. synonyms: spirit. examples: Mephistopheles.

What does disembodiment mean?

Filters. A soul, spirit, or consciousness that has been disembodied, or which otherwise lacks a physical form. noun.

How do you use disembodied in a sentence?

1. His death disembodied his spirits. 2. The troops were disembodied after the war.

What is the opposite word of disembodied?

What is the opposite of disembodied?

tangible palpable
tactile touchable
concrete definite
factual obvious
perceptible real

How do you describe a disembodied voice?

disembodied Add to list Share. Something that’s disembodied is disconnected from a solid form or body. If you hear a disembodied voice coming from your basement, it’s spooky and ghostly, with no visible shape or form.

What does Somnambulatory mean?

to walk
intransitive verb. : to walk when asleep.

What does disembodied on Demobilisation mean?

Thread: Cause of Discharge – Disembodied “Embodied” means being turned into a full-time part of the army in time of war. “Disembodied” means reverting to a normal peacetime role at the end of the war.

What is the meaning of faddish?

(fædɪʃ ) adjective. If you describe something as faddish, you mean that it has no real value and that it will not remain popular for very long.

How do you use foray in a sentence?

Foray sentence example

  1. He appears to have conducted an expedition to Ireland in 1327, and on his return led a foray into England.
  2. Bianca will be making an occasional foray into Drama lessons.
  3. Each night, the slugs crawled out of the moons and stars and slithered off on their fungal foray .

What is the best antonyms for disembodied?


  • bodied.
  • immateriality.
  • incorporeality.
  • material.

What does disembody mean?

Definition of disembody. transitive verb. : to divest of a body, of corporeal existence, or of reality.

What does disembosom mean?

What does Disembosom mean? Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word Disembosom. dis-em-bōōz’um, v.t. to separate from the bosom: to disburden one’s self of a secret. How to pronounce Disembosom?

What does unimbodied mean?

Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word unembodied. Incorporeal; not possessed of a body. Not united in a regimented structure; lacking structure and order. Existing or operating without involvement by the body; solely mental or intellectual; u201Cungroundedu201D,…

What does disembodiedness mean?

disembodiedness. Noun. ( uncountable) The state or condition of being disembodied. Origin. disembodied +‎ -ness. English Wiktionary.