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What does it mean to hear the voice of God?

What does it mean to hear the voice of God?

Hearing the voice of God implies two different actions have to happen. We serve a living God who is always speaking to us, through creation, through his holy bible, through his spirit. Hearing his voice requires, first, that he is speaking to us and second that we are listening.

Does God speak to you in dreams?

Our dreams are only one way in which the Lord speaks to us directly as believers. The primary way He speaks is through His Word. So, you had a dream or vision. You have prayed and sought and received confirmation from the Holy Spirit.

Why do we hear God’s voice in our dreams?

Secondly, we recognise God’s voice in a dream because it is part of an ongoing conversation. Dreams are one of the ways God speaks to us but it’s not the only way. It’s just one mode of communication he uses in the context of an ongoing relationship.

What does it mean to dream that God is speaking to you?

To dream that God is speaking to you suggests that you are feeling guilty in life. This dream usually appears after contemplating over a problem in life. You start thinking about God and maybe ask for advice.

Can a dream be a vision of God?

You must be able to determine if your dream or vision is of God or of the flesh. False dreams can come from our mind’s attempt to lead us away from God’s principles and precepts. In fact, false dreams can convey darkness’ own prophetic messages. Soulish dreams in particular speak to the heart’s fleshly desires.

Do you see the Lord in your dreams?

These visual dreams may contain more symbols, mysteries, and obscurities than do other types of revelation. Actual dreams are those in which God’s tangible presence is evident in some way. To see the Lord in a dream is visual, but for the Lord to manifest Himself to you in a dream is actual.