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What does Jonas hear at the end?

What does Jonas hear at the end?

Jonas feels love toward his family and friends, hears music for the first time, and feels “certainty and joy” as he believes himself to be going to a better Elsewhere. Even if Jonas and Gabriel do not survive, their freedom in and of itself is triumphant.

What happens to Jonas at the end of the book the giver?

It’s an ambiguous ending. The immediate description is that Jonas has found another pocket of civilization — and that this one is characterized by joy, music, singing. He and Gabe slide down through the snow to them, in the hopes that they will reach the community on time, be taken in, and nursed back to health.

Does Jonas hear music at the end of the giver?

That means that, based on the evidence in the novel alone, it is not possible to tell what really happened at the end. Jonas hears music. Either the music is real, and he has reached Elsewhere, and a community that does not have Sameness, or the music is not real, and it is from a memory.

What did Jonas see ahead of him at the end of the novel?

What did Jonas see ahead of him? He saw a warm light ahead. How does Jonas feel at the end of the story? Jonas feels exhausted and thinks he might die trying to help Gabe.

What is the resolution in the giver?

Interestingly, there is no clear, definitive resolution at the end of the story. The story ends with Jonas discovering a village in Elsewhere during a snowy night and sledding down a hill towards a warm cabin with Gabe, which happens to be the first memory he experienced.

Does Jonas hear music or an echo?

Expert Answers “But perhaps it was only an echo.” This “echo” may be the memory of music trying to touch him as Jonas is the keeper now of other memories. This memory of music may have been embedded in other memories. Hence, it is an “echo.”

What happens at the end of gathering blue?

Eventually, during the end of the book Matt tells Kira about a boy with blue eyes from the community Christopher is from. He says he has blue eyes and is not injured in any way, and that Matt thinks Kira should get married with him, but Kira declines to go with them to the new village.

Why did Jonas hear music at the end?

Jonas imagined also hearing music behind him – the community using this joyous memory to help it deal with memories that were not so pleasant but that were also coming into their awareness as a result of Jonas’s departure.

Did Jonas hear music or an echo behind him?

Behind him, across vast distances of space and time, from the place he had left, he thought he heard music too. But perhaps it was only an echo. Instead of waiting two weeks as he and the Giver had planned, Jonas is forced to escape right away.

What happens at the end of the giver Chapter 23?

When the memory of sunshine is gone, he focuses on his memories of his friends, family, and The Giver. These memories, and his intense desire to keep Gabriel safe, help him make it to the top of the hill. The hill symbolizes Jonas’s final struggle. He must face this struggle without any help (or a bicycle).

What does Jonas see or think he sees as he nears the bottom of the hill on the sled?

What does Jonas see (or think he sees) as he nears the bottom of the hill on the sled? Colored lights in the windows of houses.

Why does Jonas Hear Music at the bottom of the hill?

Jonas also thinks he hears music playing far behind him, where his old community is located, but he can’t be sure. It could be real, or it could be an echo. The end of the novel is ambiguous: the village at the bottom of the hill could be Elsewhere (a community unaffected by Sameness), or it could be heaven after Jonas has died.

Why did Jonas Hear Music at the end of the giver?

This could be why Jonas heard music as he slowly slipped down the hill. In addition, the Giver was transmitting memories to Jonas before he died, giving the idea that if the Giver died before they were transmitted, they would be lost forever or else freed and allowed to enter the minds of the people.

What happens to Jonas at the end of Snow White?

When they were going to down the hill, Jonas was having the first memory he had of the sled and going down the mountain. What I think happened is, Jonas was passed out on the snow because he was exhausted and Gabriel died because he was freezing.

What does Jonas find at the top of the snowy hill in Chapter 23?

Q. Toward the end of the novel, Jonas is concerned for only this one thing: Gabriel’s well being. Gabriel’s well being. The safety of the community. How The Giver feels. Q. What does Jonas find at the top of the snowy hill in Chapter 23? A sled. A snowboard. His Father. A pair of skis. Q.