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What does Julie mean?

What does Julie mean?

Julie is a popular Latin first name which originally comes from the Latin Julia which could mean youthful, soft-haired, beautiful or vivacious. It is the feminine form of Julius, and can be a pet form of Julia, Yulie, or Juliette.

What is the name Julie in Hebrew?

Hebrew translation: Julie/ג’ולי KudoZ.

What does Julia mean in Greek?

In Greek Baby Names the meaning of the name Julia is: Downy. Hairy. Derived from the clan name of Roman dictator Gaius Julius Caesar.

What kind of name is Julia?

The given name Julia had been in use throughout Late Antiquity (e.g. Julia of Corsica) but became rare during the Middle Ages, and was revived only with the Italian Renaissance….Julia.

Gender Feminine
Word/name Latin
Meaning “of the gens Julia, a descendant of Julus”
Other names

What does the name Julie mean spiritually?

It is also a biblical name meaning children of Jupiter, soft, derived from the element iovilius, which is dedicated to Jupiter and is found in the Bible.

What color is the name Julie?

Personality details of name Julie

Ruling Planet Jupiter
Positive Nature Wise and Stands for Justice
Negative Traits Can get egoistic
Lucky Colours Blue, Pink, Yellow
Lucky Days Thursday, Friday and Monday

What does Julie mean in French?

In French Baby Names the meaning of the name Julie is: Downy. French form of Julia. Also can be a feminine form of Julian: Youthful. Jove’s child.

What does Julia mean spiritually?

Ask about Julia: Biblical name for Julia is “Gods peace for the weary”.

What middle names go with Julia?

Here are a couple of ideas for a longer middle you may like:

  • Julia Adelaide.
  • Julia Clementine.
  • Julia Cassandra.
  • Julia Esmeralda.
  • Julia Madeline.
  • Julia Marisol.
  • Julia Beatrix.
  • Julia Imogen.

What is the meaning of the name Jupiter?

supreme God
Meaning “supreme God,” Jupiter is a Latin name.

What country is the name Julie from?

The name Julie is primarily a female name of French origin that means Youthful, Downy.

What are nicknames for Julia?

Common nicknames for Julia include:

  • Jewel.
  • Jools.
  • Jules.
  • Julita.
  • Juul.
  • Lia.
  • Lieke.
  • Lilli.