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What does mechanical process mean?

What does mechanical process mean?

1 made, performed, or operated by or as if by a machine or machinery. a mechanical process. 2 concerned with machines or machinery.

What is the mechanical process in technology?

Mechanical process technology deals with the transformation of material systems by predominantly mechanical operations. It embraces the whole field of particle technology, by which we mean the transformation and transport of particulate systems susceptible to change by mechanical means.

Is disinfection a mechanical process?

It isn’t effective against inorganic chemicals or heavy metals and some microorganisms. Because this is a mechanical process requiring no chemicals, there are no disinfection byproducts potentially causing health concerns or residual chemicals left in the water.

What is a mechanical process in cosmetology?

the term clean is defined: a mechanical process (scrubbing) using soap and water or detergent and water to remove all visible dirt, debris, and many disease-causing germs. Cleaning also removes invisible debris that interferes with disinfection. Cleaning is what cosmetologists are required to do before disinfecting.

What is an example of mechanical technology?

Mechanical Technology – The technology of putting together mechanical parts to produce, control, and transmit motion. (Example applications: gear systems in a car transmission, brakes on a bicycle, agitator in a washing machine, latch on a door.)

What is mechanical process engineering?

Process engineering is the engineering science of material transformation. Mechanical process engineering involves the changes in material properties (e.g. particle size), and composition (concentration), due to mechanical effects.

What is mechanical disinfection?

The disinfection of water by chemical or mechanical means that began around the turn of the 20th century has resulted in the end of epidemics like cholera, dysentery, and typhoid fever. These techniques neutralize the waterborne microscopic pathogens that can cause often-fatal diseases. Countless lives have been saved.

What are the mechanical methods of disinfection?

Chlorination, ozone, ultraviolet light, and chloramines are primary methods for disinfection. However, potassium permanganate, photocatalytic disinfection, nanofiltration, and chlorine dioxide can also be used. Organic material is naturally present in water.

Is disinfecting a mechanical process?

Is a mechanical process scrubbing using soap and water or detergent?

1. Cleaning: A mechanical process (e.g., scrubbing), using soap or detergent and water, which removes dirt, debris and large numbers of germs. It also removes invisible debris that interferes with disinfection.

What is the purpose of mechanical technology?

Mechanical Engineering Technology Graduates Help engineers design, develop, test, and manufacture industrial machinery, consumer products, and other equipment. Assist in product tests — by setting up instrumentation for auto crash tests, for example.

What is the role of mechanical technology?

Mechanical technologies apply mechanical engineering principles to the design, operation and testing of machines and equipment. Mechanical engineering technicians and technologists have similar job duties, but a technologist requires more extensive education.

What kind of products are process intensive products?

Process-intensive products to discrete goods manufacturing. With such a product, it might be more typical to start with a given process and design the product within the constraints of the process. Originally Answered: what are process intensive products?

What is the difference between intensive and extensive?

The use of the term intensive is potentially confusing. The meaning here is “something within the area, length, or size of something”, and often constrained by it, as opposed to “extensive”, “something without the area, more than that”.

Why are mass and volume called intensive properties?

This indicates that mass and volume depends upon the size or extent of the system and hence they are extensive properties. And the pressure, temperature and density remains unchanged that is they are independent of the mass and that’s why are called intensive property.

Which is an example of an intensive property?

The properties which are independent of the mass of the system. Temperature, pressure and density are the intensive properties. The properties which depend on the size or extent of the system are called extensive properties. For example: total mass, total volume and total momentum.