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What does navigate definition?

What does navigate definition?

1 : to travel by water Explorers navigated around the world. 2 : to sail or travel over, on, or through The crew navigated the river. 3 : to steer a course in a ship or aircraft. 4 : to steer or direct the course of (as a boat) 5 : to find information on the Internet or a Web site.

What is the definition of navigation in science?

Navigation is the art and science of determining the position of a ship, plane or other vehicle, and guiding it to a specific destination. Navigation requires a person to know the vehicle’s relative location, or position compared to other known locations. Navigators measure distance on the globe in degrees.

What is the meaning of navigate in computer?

With a computer, navigation refers to the act of opening and moving through computer menus, like the Start menu in Windows, opening software programs, or viewing files in Windows Explorer. More generally, to navigate is to move your mouse around the screen to access icons and the other features of an operating system.

What is a navigation map?

The term “navigation map” represents the route instructions, as it were, throughout the conceptual model. The conceptual navigation map shows “routes” the user can or is required to take through the configuration to perform and conclude all the required steps for accomplishing a goal.

What is navigation button?

Each button corresponds to the direction that you can move in a menu. For example, to move right in a menu, press the navigation button that is located on the right side. If you want to move down in a menu, press the navigation button that is located on the bottom.

What does the name navigation mean?

Navigation, in a broader sense, can refer to any skill or study that involves the determination of position and direction . In this sense, navigation includes orienteering and pedestrian navigation.

What does navigation mean on the computer?

What is Navigate? With a computer, navigation refers to the act of opening and moving through computer menus , like the Start menu in Windows, opening software programs, or viewing files in Windows Explorer. More generally, to navigate is to move your mouse around the screen to access icons and the other features of an operating system.

What is the navigation called?

Also called: global navigation, primary navigation, main nav . The main navigation generally represents the top-level pages of a site’s structure-or the pages just below the home page. The links in the main navigation are expected to lead to pages within the site and behave in a very consistent way.

What exactly is a navigation system?

A navigation system is a computing system that aids in navigation . Navigation systems may be entirely on board the vehicle or vessel that the system is controlling (for example, on the ship’s bridge) or located elsewhere, making use of radio or other signal transmission to control the vehicle or vessel. In some cases, a combination of these methods is used.