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What does Podoconiosis mean?

What does Podoconiosis mean?

Podoconiosis is a chronic inflammatory, geochemical skin disease caused by prolonged exposure to irritant red clay soils derived from volcanic rocks [2] and causes bilateral asymmetrical swelling of the lower legs. Podoconiosis is a neglected disease, although currently it does not appear on the WHO list of NTDs.

What is the difference between elephantiasis and Podoconiosis?

Podoconiosis is a type of lower limb tropical elephantiasis distinct from lymphatic filariasis. Lymphatic filariasis affects all population at risk, whereas podoconiosis predominantly affects barefoot subsistence farmers in areas with red volcanic soil.

What does elephantiasis look like?

The main symptom of elephantiasis is gross enlargement and swelling of an area of the body because of the accumulation of fluid. The arms and legs are the areas most often affected. An entire arm or leg may swell to several times its normal size resembling the thick, round appearance of an elephant’s leg.

How is Podoconiosis treated?

Treatment includes daily foot hygiene with soap, water, and antiseptics, emollients to restore skin function, leg elevation, exercise, use of socks and shoes, and, if necessary, compression bandages and surgical removal of nodules.

What is elephantiasis Nostras Verrucosa?

Elephantiasis nostras verrucosa (ENV) is a rare and dramatic sequela of chronic nonfilarial lymphedema. The condition is characterized by papules, verrucous lesions, enlargement, and woody fibrosis of the affected area.

What is mossy foot disease?

Mossy foot is a disease that manifests itself as a massive swelling of the feet and legs. Its common name describes the appearance of the skin that becomes very rough and bumpy and changes to look like moss.

How does elephantiasis occur?

Lymphatic filariasis, commonly known as elephantiasis, is a neglected tropical disease. Infection occurs when filarial parasites are transmitted to humans through mosquitoes. Infection is usually acquired in childhood causing hidden damage to the lymphatic system.

What disease do filarial worms cause?

Filarial Disease, or the general term “filariasis,” may also refer to a group of parasitic diseases caused by various species of filarial worms (nematodes). These include mumu, loiasis (Calabar swellings), dirofilariasis (human infection by dog heartworm), and onchocerciasis (river blindness).

What is Woody edema?

It is a disorder in which chronic lymphedema and recurrent skin infection result in severely deformed fibrotic enlargement of the affected extremity.1–4 The epidermis becomes cobblestoned with a loosely adherent crust, which is often foul smelling and may be colonized with multiple bacteria and fungi.2–4.

What is stasis papillomatosis?

Stasis papillomatosis is a disease characterized by chronic congestion of the extremities, with blood circulation interrupted in a specific area of the body. A consequence of this congestion and inflammation is long-term lymphatic obstruction. It is also typically characterized by the appearance of numerous papules.

What are the symptoms of a swollen toe?

You might have noticed your swollen toe based on the change in size, but there are other symptoms that commonly occur at the same time, such as: pain. stiffness or limited range of motion. warmth of the affected area. redness of the affected area. swelling of other toes. swelling elsewhere in the foot or ankle.

What does the word Ethiopia mean in Greek?

“Ethiopia” is a Greek adjective “aethiops“ and means “Land of Burnt Faces” . This adjective by the way is similer to another Greek adjective “egyptos“ meaning “Land of Burnt Inhabitants” named for Kemet Nu.

What kind of medication to take for swollen toe?

Medications may include: 1 analgesics, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), oxycodone (Percocet), and hydrocodone (Vicoprofen),… 2 nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). 3 counterirritants, which are topical medications to interfere with pain signals. 4 disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs). 5 biologic response modifiers,…

What causes swelling in the ball of the foot?

Take note if you begin to feel pain or swelling in the ball of your foot. This could be a sign of capsulitis of the second toe, a condition that causes the ligaments surrounding the joint near your second toe to become inflamed.