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What does potatoes stand for?

What does potatoes stand for?


Acronym Definition
POTATO People Over Thirty Acting Twenty One

What does potato mean in chat?

Person Over Thirty Acting Twenty One (pronounced: potato) This is what’s known as a hilarious acronym to describe “People Over Thirty Acting Twenty One.” For example, “did you get a load of that POTATO?” It is an acronym used in texting, online chat, instant messaging, e-mail, blogs, and newsgroup postings.

Is potato an English word?

noun, plural po·ta·toes. Also called Irish potato, white potato. the edible tuber of a cultivated plant, Solanum tuberosum, of the nightshade family. the plant itself.

Is calling someone a potato mean?

It usually means they’re referring to someone as lazy, or a bit chubby. Potato. You also do not exercise or have any interesting hobbies. If you’re called “a potato” it’s supposed to mean that you’re “inactive”.

What is a potato girl?

someone that is too lazy to do anything is a potato or we often call it couch potato. See a translation. 1 like. Download for free. Related questions.

What’s another name for potatoes?

In this page you can discover 28 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for potato, like: yam, tater, tuber, spud, irish potato, white potato, sweet-potato, rhizome, white potato vine, vegetable and solanum-tuberosum.

Why potatoes are called potatoes?

The English word potato comes from Spanish patata (the name used in Spain). The Royal Spanish Academy says the Spanish word is a hybrid of the Taíno batata (‘sweet potato’) and the Quechua papa (‘potato’). The name originally referred to the sweet potato although the two plants are not closely related.

Is potato an insult?

According to Reddit (and who doesn’t believe Reddit?), it is indeed an insult to be called a potato – “but calling someone a sweet potato in endearing.” Potato Head won’t tater anywhere.”

What is a potato face?

With the Potato Face! We will put your face, a friend’s face, co-workers face, or the face of someone famous on a potato and send it to anyone you know! Our team will write the designated custom text, attach your custom photo to the potato, and ship it to your recipient with our fulfillment address as the sender.

What does a potato emoji mean?

🥔 Meaning – Potato Emoji 🥔 The image of a potato is an emoji with various meanings. According to context it can mean being dumb, hardheaded or, as often encountered on some sites, as a joke. Potato Emoji is rarely used with it’s original meaning referring to the vegetable, fries or serving this type of food.

Is a potato a vegetable?

Potato/Fruit or Vegetable

Whats the opposite of potatoes?

The word potato typically refers to a starchy tuber grown from the Solanum tuberosum plant. There are no categorical antonyms for this word. However, one could loosely use any unrelated foodstuffs as antonyms, e.g., chicken, fish, eggs, etc.