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What does the word Kolo mean?

What does the word Kolo mean?

Definition of kolo : a central European folk dance in which dancers form a circle and progress slowly to right or left while one or more dancers perform elaborate steps in the center.

What is the full meaning of kola?

KOLA. Kenya Oral Literature Association. Academic & Science » Language & Literature.

What is the short form of metal?

Metals Abbreviations and Acronyms

Abbreviation Definition
AGA American Gas Association
AISI American Iron and Steel Institute
AMS Aerospace Materials Specifications
AOD Argon Oxygen Decarburization

What is the acronym for basis?

BASIS is “Business Application Systems Integrated Solutions”

What language is Kolo?

A Slavic dance performed in a circle. ‘The popular kolo or circle dance is performed to the accompaniment of the tamburitsa, a traditional mandolin-like stringed instrument.

What is Kolo in Yoruba?

Kolo. This means to go crazy or mad. This can mean literally or metaphorically depending on the context.

What is godI English?

/godī/ nf. berth countable noun. A berth is a space in a harbour where a ship stays for a period of time. /godi, godI, godee, godī/

What does kola mean in Nigeria?

The kola nut is given as a symbol of hospitality, friendship and respect; and is presented to guests at important social events such as weddings, funerals, and infant naming ceremonies; as well as for medicinal purposes. …

What are element abbreviations called?

Chemical symbol
Chemical symbols are the abbreviations used in chemistry for chemical elements, functional groups and chemical compounds. Element symbols for chemical elements normally consist of one or two letters from the Latin alphabet and are written with the first letter capitalised.

Is SAP basis an acronym?

SAP BASIS stands for Business Application Software Integrated Solution. It is a set of tools that will work as a bridge between your operating system, communication protocols, the various business applications and database.

What is the full meaning of D base?

Distributed Bandwidth Allocation/Sharing
Definition. DBASE. Distributed Bandwidth Allocation/Sharing/Extension.