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What dolls are made in Germany?

What dolls are made in Germany?

Top 5 German Antique Doll Brands

  • 01 of 05. Kestner Dolls. Kestner Baby Doll circa 1900 Daderot/Creative Commons.
  • 02 of 05. Armand Marseille Dolls. Clem Rutter/Creative Commons.
  • 03 of 05. Kammer & Reinhardt. Wikimedia Commons.
  • 04 of 05. Simon & Halbig. Wikimedia Commons.
  • 05 of 05. Heubach. Wikimedia Commons.

What is a German bisque doll?

A bisque doll or porcelain doll is a doll made partially or wholly out of bisque or biscuit porcelain. Bisque dolls are characterized by their realistic, skin-like matte finish. They had their peak of popularity between 1860 and 1900 with French and German dolls.

How do you identify bisque?

Check that the doll is made from porcelain or bisque and 1 other material. Hold the head of the doll to your teeth. If it feels hard and cold, this means that it’s made of porcelain or bisque. The body of the doll is usually made from a different material, such as kid (soft leather) or cloth.

Are old German dolls worth anything?

Even when all the factors used in determining an antique doll value are considered, the value still fluctuates based on the current doll market and the principles of supply and demand. French and German dolls, especially bisque dolls, are the most valuable kinds of antique dolls.

What are German dolls called?

Baby dolls, called “Täuflinge,” were first produced in Germany during the 1850s, initially in a popular waxed papier-mâché style. The popularity of baby-dolls endures to this day, though the waxed composition method was soon dropped because of the rapid deterioration of the material.

Who invented bisque doll?

Manufacturing of bisque doll began in 1860s in France and Germany and continued well after World War I. Most famous French companies that manufactured bisque dolls were Jumeau, Bru, Gaultier, Rohmer, Simone and Huret while heads for dolls were mostly made in Germany.

What are bisque figurines?

Bisque is unglazed, fired porcelain with a flat finish and often hand-colored. Many of the figurines are boys and girls in Victorian clothing, sometimes holding puppies or kittens.

How tall is the German bisque child doll?

German Unidentified Bisque Child Doll, 13″ tall with a gusseted kid body, bisque swivel socket head and bisque lower arms, blue paperweight eyes, closed mouth, blonde short hair wig and has a beauty mark on upper right cheek, painted feathered eyebrows, painted upper and lower lashes. Doll marked on head number 5.

How big is a Kestner JDK King of doll?

JDK Kestner doll size 4 – A bisque socket head, closed mouth, glass eyes, feathered painted eyebrows, ball jointed composition body, wigged. Doll shown is 12 1/2″, marked Made in Germany 4 .

What are the names of the JDK dolls?

Some trade names for JDK Kestner dolls are: Baby Jean doll, Dainty Dorothy doll, Sally doll, Sammy doll (JDK + size number), Daisy doll mold 171 only the 18″ tall size, Hilda doll molds 237, 245, 1070, Max, Moritz dolls, the all bisque Prize Baby doll mold 208 some labels say Brize Baby, Siegfried doll mold 272.

How tall is a JDK JDK Baby Doll?

JDK Kestner doll mold 243, Asian, Oriental Chinese Baby doll, 10 – 20″ tall, bisque socket head, jointed composition baby bent limb body, black short wig, brown glass sleep eyes, feathered eyebrows, painted upper eyelashes, open/closed mouth with two upper teeth, came wearing a beautiful silk jacket and pants, doll marked 243.