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What economic activities did women carry out in the backcountry?

What economic activities did women carry out in the backcountry?

c. Women could use guns and axes for protection and/or hunting. They worked in the fields and in the cabins.

Is women’s work an economic activity?

No, women are not paid for their service delivered in the family. The household work done by women is not recognised in the National Income.

Why should women participate in economic development?

Women’s economic participation promotes agricultural productivity, enterprise development at the micro, small, and medium enterprise levels, as well as enhances business management and returns on investment. Women also play key roles in creating peaceful and stable societies –important factors for economic growth.

What was the economy in the Backcountry?

The economy was mostly based on trade. Yes they farmed. The farmers often clashed with the natives. They built their houses from logs, mud, moss, and clay.

What was trade like in the Backcountry region?

The first Europeans in the Back- country made a living by trading with the Native Americans. Backcountry settlers paid for goods with deerskins. A unit of value was one buckskin or, for short, a “buck.” Farmers soon followed the traders into the region, but they had to be cautious.

What are economic activities?

Economic activity is the activity of making, providing, purchasing, or selling goods or services. Any action that involves producing, distributing, or consuming products or services is an economic activity. Economic activities exist at all levels within a society.

Is women’s work and economic activity Class 9?

Women work is considered as economic activity when she earns something. When she is a housewife, she does home work and take care of house and children, it would not be considered as economic activity.

What are women’s economic rights?

The economic rights of women broadly include the right to own and inherit property (especially land); the right to work; the right to just and favorable conditions of work; the right to equal pay for equal work; the right to rest and leisure; the right to be protected against sexual harassment and violence at the …

How does gender equality increase economic growth?

If the EU stepped up its efforts to improve gender equality, more jobs would be created, GDP per capita would increase and society would be able to adjust better to the challenges related to the ageing population.

What role do women play in the global economy?

Women perform 66% of the world’s work, produce 50 percent of the food, but earn only 10% of the income and own 1-2% of the property. Women and girls suffer disproportionately from the burden of extreme poverty- they make up 70% of the 1.5 billion people living on less than a dollar a day.