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What element has one more electron than bromine?

What element has one more electron than bromine?

In other words, chlorine has a higher electron affinity than bromine.

Which element has more protons sulfur or iodine?

Sulphur has atomic number of 16 and iodine has 53. This makes iodine have more protons,with 53 compared to sulphur with 16.

What element has fewer protons than sodium?

LA 211 12. This element is in the same family as lead, but it has fewer protons than sodium. 78+1 13.

Which element is in the 3rd period Group 2?

Hint: The element which belongs to group 2 and period 3 will be magnesium.

What is the electron affinity of sulfur?

200 kJ mol‑1
The electron affinity of sulfur is 200 kJ mol‑1.

What group are the following elements sulfur?

sulfur (S), also spelled sulphur, nonmetallic chemical element belonging to the oxygen group (Group 16 [VIa] of the periodic table), one of the most reactive of the elements.

Does carbon have fewer protons in its nucleus than nitrogen?

Carbon has fewer protons in its nucleus than nitrogen. Phosphorus is more like silicon than it is like nitrogen.

Why are Group 2 called alkaline earth?

The alkaline earth metals are named after their oxides, the alkaline earths, whose old-fashioned names were beryllia, magnesia, lime, strontia, and baryta. These oxides are basic (alkaline) when combined with water.

How many protons and electrons are in sulfur?

16 protons
Each element, however, does have a unique number of protons. Sulfur has 16 protons, silicon has 14 protons, and gold has 79 protons….Atomic Number.

Name Carbon
Protons 6
Neutrons 6
Electrons 6
Atomic Number (Z) 6

What are elements in the second group called?

They are called Elements in the second group have 2 outer shell electrons and are also very reactive. They are called Elements in groups 3 through 12 have many useful properties and are called Elements in group 17 are known as “salt formers”. They are called Elements in group 18 are very unreactive. They are said to be “inert”.

How many electrons does Group 8 noble gas have?

Group 8, Noble gases, all have 8 outer electrons (VE), which means they are all stable and do not bond readily. The outer shell of each these elements is already full. Do elements in Period 2 share characteristics?

What are elements in upper right corner of periodic table called?

Most upper right corner starts noble gases. Elements in the first group have one outer shell electron and are extremely reactive. They are called Elements in the second group have 2 outer shell electrons and are also very reactive. They are called Elements in groups 3 through 12 have many useful properties and are called

What are elements in the first group called?

Elements in the first group have one outer shell electron and are extremely reactive. They are called Elements in the second group have 2 outer shell electrons and are also very reactive. They are called Elements in groups 3 through 12 have many useful properties and are called Elements in group 17 are known as “salt formers”.