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What elements does californium bond with?

What elements does californium bond with?

Specifically, californium shares properties with the three previous actinide elements in the table — americium, curium and berkelium — as well as the three actinides that come after it — einsteinium, fermium and mendelevium.

What does californium decay to?

Californium’s most stable isotope, californium-251, has a half-life of about 898 years. It decays into curium-247 through alpha decay or decays through spontaneous fission.

What are some compounds that are made from californium?

Chemical properties and compounds

state compound formula
+2 californium(II) iodide CfI2
+3 californium(III) oxide Cf2O3
+3 californium(III) fluoride CfF3
+3 californium(III) chloride CfCl3

What is the chemical symbol of californium?


californium (Cf), synthetic chemical element of the actinoid series of the periodic table, atomic number 98. Not occurring in nature, californium (as the isotope californium-245) was discovered (1950) by American chemists Stanley G.

What is the chemical symbol of Californium?

What can you do with Californium?

Uses and properties Californium is a radioactive metal. Californium is a very strong neutron emitter. It is used in portable metal detectors, for identifying gold and silver ores, to identify water and oil layers in oil wells and to detect metal fatigue and stress in aeroplanes.

Is californium a lanthanide or actinide?

Californium is the first element in the actinide series where the 2+ oxidation state is chemically accessible at reasonable potentials, and, in fact, Cf(II) compounds, such as CfCl2, have been successfully prepared and characterized15.

Can I sell californium?

Step by Step Guide to Sell Californium While you unfortunately cannot sell CF directly on Coinsquare, you can sell it on an altcoin exchange for Bitcoin or Ethereum and then use Coinsquare cash out to fiat currency like Euro or Canadian dollar.