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What fish can live with a puffer?

What fish can live with a puffer?

Some species, like Dwarf, Redeye and Golden Puffers, can be kept together or with other fast-moving fish like danios. Others, such as Mekong, Nile and Mbu Puffers, must be kept solitary. For the most part, freshwater puffers should be considered species tank fish.

Can a green spotted puffer fish live with cichlids?

Green spotted puffers, aka gsp, t. nigroviridis, are brackish puffers that need full marine conditions as adults and would not be able to live in a fw environment with cichlids.

What are good tank mates for puffer fish?

Some other possible tank mates could be mollies, scats, monos, archerfish, and bumblebee gobies. However, it is not uncommon for a puffer to get along with one of these tank mates for many months and then as soon as a sign of weakness shows or space becomes crowded, the puffer will eat the other fish.

What can live with pea puffers?

Pea Puffer Tank Mates

  • Kuhli loach.
  • Otocinclus.
  • Neon tetras (both normal and green)
  • Ember tetras.
  • Danios.
  • Cherry shrimp.

Can puffer fish live with guppies?

No, guppies and pea puffers should not be kept together.

Can puffer fish live with clownfish?

would be OK probably, but most of the others would be far too big. I did have a green spotted puffer and it would fit fine, but you have to acclimate them to saltwater over a matter of months. They also can be quite aggressive, though mine was the live-and-let-live type.

Can you put two pea puffers together?

Male pea puffers are much more aggressive than females. Having too many in a tank together can lead to serious scuffles, and even fights to the death. If you want multiple puffers in the tank, it’s best to keep 1 male pea puffer for every 2-3 females. Or even a tank with only females.

Do pea puffers bite?

Puffer Fish are infamous for being large, often aggressive fish with a willingness to bite tank mates, hands, and hard shelled prey. Pea Puffers are relatively new to the hobby but are more popular than ever!

Do puffers get along with other puffers?

Unlike people, Puffers do not need friends or companions for their well-being. They will not get lonely nor will they become depressed because they do not have another Puffer around. In many cases, quite the opposite is true, and they can be much more personable to their keeper if kept as individuals.

Can you keep 2 Figure 8 puffers together?

The figure 8 puffer is friendly, personable and entertaining. And it stays small enough to keep a single specimen in a 15-gallon fish aquarium. If keeping multiple figure 8 puffers together, it would be best to start them out together as juveniles and let them grow up together.