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What god is the god of Thieves?

What god is the god of Thieves?

Hermes (/ˈhɜːrmiːz/; Greek: Ἑρμῆς) is an Olympian deity in ancient Greek religion and mythology. Hermes is considered the herald of the gods. He is also considered the protector of human heralds, travellers, thieves, merchants, and orators.

Who was the merchants god?

Mercury (mythology)

God of financial gain, commerce, eloquence, messages, communication, travelers, boundaries, luck, trickery, merchants, thieves
Member of the Dii Consentes
Mercurius by Artus Quellinus the Elder
Planet Mercury

Who was the Roman goddess of trade?

Minerva is one of the three Roman deities in the Capitoline Triad, along with Jupiter and Juno. She was the virgin goddess of music, poetry, medicine, wisdom, commerce, weaving, and the crafts.

Who is the Roman god of thieves?

Mercury, Latin Mercurius, in Roman religion, god of shopkeepers and merchants, travelers and transporters of goods, and thieves and tricksters. He is commonly identified with the Greek Hermes, the fleet-footed messenger of the gods.

Who is the goddess of love beauty and procreation?

Aphrodite is an ancient Greek goddess associated with love, lust, beauty, pleasure, passion and procreation. She was syncretized with the Roman goddess Venus. Aphrodite’s major symbols include myrtles, roses, doves, sparrows, and swans.

Who is the Roman god of protection?

Salus (Latin: salus, “safety”, “salvation”, “welfare”) was a Roman goddess. She was the goddess of safety and well-being (welfare, health and prosperity) of both the individual and the state. She is sometimes equated with the Greek goddess Hygieia, though her functions differ considerably.

Who was the Roman god of merchants and merchants?

Written By: Mercury, Latin Mercurius, in Roman religion, god of shopkeepers and merchants, travelers and transporters of goods, and thieves and tricksters. He is commonly identified with the Greek Hermes, the fleet-footed messenger of the gods.

Who was the Roman god of thieves and tricksters?

Mercury, Latin Mercurius, in Roman religion, god of shopkeepers and merchants, travelers and transporters of goods, and thieves and tricksters. He is commonly identified with the Greek Hermes, the fleet-footed messenger of the gods. Mercury was the most honoured of all the gods and many images of him were to be found.

Who was the Roman god of Commerce and travel?

A witty and wily deity, Mercury was the Roman god of commerce, communication, and travel. He also served as the chief patron of thieves, messengers, and merchants. A wily trickster, Mercury was the Roman god of commerce, communication, and travel.

Who was the Roman god of thievery and abundance?

He was the patron of travelers and the god of thievery as well. Mercury was also considered a god of abundance and commercial success, particularly in Gaul, where he was said to have been particularly revered. He was also, like Hermes, the Romans’ psychopomp, leading newly deceased souls to the afterlife.