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What happened to Barney Northrup?

What happened to Barney Northrup?

The letters were signed Barney Northrup. Sam Westing’s other aliases melt away, of course, and he “dies” as Sandy McSouthers. But he does not actually die, as Turtle finds out later; he lives out his days under his fourth alias: Julian Eastman.

What did Barney Northrup do in The Westing Game?

Barney Northrup is a salesman charged with renting the six available apartments in the newly-constructed Sunset Towers on Lake Michigan—and an alias of Sam Westing. Barney Northrup wears a disguise—a bad wig and buck-toothed dentures—in order to throw the Westing heirs off his trail.

Who is Barney Northrup’s partner in The Westing Game?

Westing Game characters

real estate agent Barney Northrup
Madame Sun Lin Hoo is partners with Jake Wexler
Chris Theodorakis is partners with Dr. Denton Deere
Grace Wexler is partners with James Shin Hoo

What is Otis’s theory in The Westing Game?

Otis proves that not everyone is who they seem to be in The Westing Game. We intially think that Mr. Otis is great at keeping secrets; when Judge Ford hires him to investigate the other tenants, he never gives up the information he knows about Crow.

Who gets 200 million in the Westing Game?

It is discovered that she later marries Theo in the epilogue when Julian Eastman asks about her husband. After she turns 18, she requests that everyone call her “T.R. Wexler”. She falsely admits to being the bomber after the fourth bomb explodes to protect her good-natured sister, Angela, who is the actual bomber.

Who is JJ Ford’s partner?

The most glaring example of her weirdly abbreviated powers of perception is when she somehow fails to investigate her partner, Sandy McSouthers, even though she’s checked out the background info of every other player in the game.