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What happened to the Russian government during ww1?

What happened to the Russian government during ww1?

Russia was now the first communist country in the world. After the revolution, Russia exited World War I by signing a peace treaty with Germany called the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. The new government took control of all industry and moved the Russian economy from a rural one to an industrial one.

Why did Russians dislike the Provisional Government?

The Provisional Government felt it had to continue the war. The Government was afraid of the demands that the Germans might make if Russia asked for peace. Some such as Alexander Kerensky (Prime Minister July to October 1917) believed that a victorious war would unite the people behind the Government.

Why were the Russian people unhappy with their country involvement in World war 1?

Why were the Russian people unhappy with their country’s involvement in World War I? They were not prepared to fight in a war which led to the death of many Russian soldiers. They wanted the war to stop and for autocracy to end.

Why was Russia hard to govern 1900?

As the country was so large, and covered almost 23 million square kilometres in 1900, this made it very difficult to govern as it made it difficult for the Tsar to have complete control of a place that was more than 20 square kilometres away.

Why is it hard to govern Russia?

In the late 1800s, Russia was the largest country in the world. Stretching from the Black Sea in Europe to the Bering Straits in the extreme east of Asia. It would take at least ten days to travel from one end to another by train. The sheer size made it a difficult country to govern.

What was the government like in Tsarist Russia?

Russia’s tsarist government was one of the most backward in Europe. It was one of the few remaining autocracies where all political power and sovereignty were vested in a hereditary monarch.

Who was in control of Russia in 1918?

Russia by 1918 appeared to be in the hands of the communists (the Bolshevik Party) led by Lenin. The Provisional Government had been overthrown and the Bolsheviks had appeared to have gained power in Russia and that the country’s problems seemed to be over. In fact, those problems had only just begun.

How did the Bolsheviks gain power in Russia?

The Provisional Government had been overthrown and the Bolsheviks had appeared to have gained power in Russia and that the country’s problems seemed to be over. In fact, those problems had only just begun. Lenin controlled just a strip of land that ran form Petrograd to Moscow.

What was the result of Russia quitting the war?

Russia Quits the War. As a result, in some parts of Russia, no one was in control, and enormous suffering and loss of life among the civilian population resulted. It was not until 1920 that most of the fighting finally ended and Lenin and his followers could focus on turning Russia into a communist state.