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What happens to the hare population when the lynx population increases?

What happens to the hare population when the lynx population increases?

As the hare population size grows, the lynx population size begins to increase in response. Because there are so many hares, other predators opportunistically begin to hunt them along with the lynxes. The hares’ less nutritious and varied diet begins to have an effect, the hares begin to die due to illness and disease.

What happens to the population of the hare as the population of the lynx increases and why?

When the hare population increased, what happened to the lynx population. Why? The Lynx population also increases because there is more food for them to eat. It leads to a decrease in the hare population because the lynxes were eating the hares.

What affects hare population?

There are three main factors that seem most likely to cause hare cycles: food, predation, and social interactions. Disease and parasitism are two ecological factors that might affect hare populations but do not seem to be an essential cause of cycles.

What do you think would happen to the lynx population if all of the snowshoe hares died of a disease?

2. What do you think would happen to the lynx population if all of the snowshoe hares died of a disease? Sample answer: I think the lynx population would probably get smaller. The lynx would either have to catch a different prey or else move to a different area with snowshoe hares.

Why are the lynx and hare population important to each other?

Snowshoe hare is the primary food of the lynx. The population cycles of these two species are closely linked. When hares are plentiful, lynx eat little else and take about two hares every three days. Lynx prey upon mice, voles, squirrels, grouse, ptarmigan and carrion when hares are scarce.

Why do the populations of the Canadian lynx and snowshoe hare rise and fall together?

Canada lynx populations rise and fall with fluctuations in populations of snowshoe hares. Thus, when hares are abundant, lynx populations expand, and when the density of hares is reduced, lynx are forced to hunt ground squirrels, grouse, and foxes.

Why do you think the cycle of lynx abundance is so closely linked to the hare abundance?

The snowshoe hare and the Canadian lynx in the boreal forests of North America show 9- to 11-year density cycles. These are generally assumed to be linked to each other because lynx are specialist predators on hares.

How can human population size keep increasing in spite of decreased fertility rates?

How can human population size keep increasing in spite of decreased fertility rates? Population size will continue to increase as long as the average fertility is above the replacement rate. Decreases in fertility rate by definition mean the overall population size will decrease.

What causes the hare lynx population cycle?

The hare cycle was caused by heavy predation and the time-lag inherent in predator rates of population growth relative to that of the hares. The hare cycle was caused by both food and predators, with food shortage at the peak followed by heavy predation in the decline.

Why does the lynx population fluctuate?

When the plants they feed on decline, so too does the hare numbers as they face starvation. The Lynx populations also fluctuate with the Hare population declines, as they are forced to hunt less nutritious species such as mice and carrion. This means that may face starvation or reduced reproduction.

What happens to the lynx when their food supply decreases?

Their lack of fat reserves makes them less able to live through starvation and cold temperatures. Food shortages also cause behavioural changes such as increased roaming and loss of caution.

What is the relationship between the snowshoe hare and Canadian lynx?

Predator and Prey Canada lynxes eat mostly snowshoe hares—which in turn are preyed on almost exclusively by Canada lynxes. This unusually tight predator-prey relationship means that when hare numbers change, so do lynx numbers (and vice versa), sometimes drastically.

Why do Lynx have fewer babies than hares?

Both the lynx and hare populations have fewer babies and this decrease in population gives the vegetation a chance to recover. Once there is enough vegetation for the hares to begin to increase their population the whole cycle begins again.

How long does it take for lynx population to increase?

Studies have shown the level of kittens in a lynx population may be zero at the population low and as high as 60 percent when their numbers increase. Low lynx population levels last for three or four years. When hares become plentiful again, the lynx population begins to increase as well.

When did the lynx population peak in the northwest?

The highs and lows of the lynx population cycle do not occur at the same time across the NWT. For example, in the early 1990s, lynx numbers peaked two years later in northwestern NWT than in the southwestern NWT.

How does food shortage affect the lynx population?

Food shortages also cause behavioural changes such as increased roaming and loss of caution. This increases their vulnerability to predation. Malnourishment has the most significant effect upon lynx reproduction and population levels.