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What happens when you can see the moon?
This is what’s called a lunar eclipse. Not only does the moon appear to change shape by way of an optical illusion, it also appears to move across the sky. Just as the sun appears to “rise” and “set,” the moon’s daily trips across the sky are mostly created by the rotation of the Earth.
What can you learn from observing the moon?
Students learn about the phases of the moon, develop an understanding of the relative positions of the Sun, Moon and Earth, discuss when the Moon can be seen and keep a journal of the Moon’s position and appearance.
What are observations of the moon?
The Moon may be observed by using a variety of optical instruments, ranging from the naked eye to large telescopes. The Moon is the only celestial body upon which surface features can be discerned with the unaided eyes of most people.
Why we can see moon in daytime?
We can see the moon during the day for the same reason we see the moon at night. The surface of the moon is reflecting the sun’s light into our eyes. “When we see the moon during the day it’s because the moon is in the right spot in the sky and it’s reflecting enough light to be as bright, or brighter, than the sky.”
Why can we see the Moon every night?
As the moon travels through its phases, it also moves across the sky. If the moon is not visible during the night, it may have been visible during the day. Therefore, it is not always visible at the same time each day or in the same location of the sky.
Why do we observe the moon?
What is the best way to view the moon?
A low magnification of around 50x will show you the whole moon and give you the “big picture.” But to see the moon at its best, try a high magnification, at least 150x. The moon can tolerate high magnification better than any object in the sky. This also has the added benefit of reducing the glare from the moon.
Why can we not always see the moon at night?
Some of the other reasons that you may not see the moon is due to it’s position in the sky and the moon’s phase. The Moon orbits the Earth. As it sits in space, through the majority of its orbit, half of it is lit on one side, and the other side is dark. Half is facing towards the Sun, and the other half is not.
What would happen if we nuked the Moon?
This would be ejected into space, but also strike Earth, creating micrometeor showers visible in the night sky. Those same micrometeors would also be a hazard for satellites and space stations. As crazy all of this sounds, the U.S. Air Force actually briefly considered nuking the moon. For real.
What happens if the Moon is closer to Earth?
But higher ocean tides wouldn’t be the only result of a closer moon. The moon also has a tidal effect on Earth’s land, Comins said.
What would happen if there was no moon or Sun?
With the Moon no longer there, the oceans of the world become much calmer. The Sun still has an effect on them (known as solar tides), so surfers wouldn’t be completely devoid of waves. But the oceans would largely become serene. This has a dire effect on life on Earth.
How long does it take to view the Moon from Earth?
If you had a mirror on the moon (about 238K miles away), you could see about 2.5 seconds into earth’s past. If that mirror was on Pluto, you could see about 13.4 hours into Earth’s past.