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What important precautions must be observed when doing venipuncture?

What important precautions must be observed when doing venipuncture?


  1. Practice universal precautions: Wear gloves and a lab coat or gown when handling blood/body fluids.
  2. Dispose of needles immediately upon removal from the patient’s vein.
  3. Clean up any blood spills with a disinfectant such as freshly made 10% bleach.
  4. If you stick yourself with a contaminated needle:

What are the requirements for venous blood collection?


  • Skin-cleansing materials: Alcohol, chlorhexidine, or povidone-iodine swabs or wipes.
  • Nonsterile gloves (sterile gloves if blood cultures are being obtained)
  • Tourniquet, single-use.

What are the steps for venipuncture?

  1. Label the tube with the patient’s. particulars.
  2. Put tourniquet on the patient about. 3-4′ above the venipuncture site.
  3. Ask patient to form a fist so. veins are more prominent.
  4. After finding the vein, clean the.
  5. Assemble needle and vacuum.
  6. Insert the collection tube into the.
  7. Remove cap from needle.
  8. Use thumb to draw skin tight.

What are the factors to be considered in good venipuncture?

These factors include:

  • availability of appropriate supplies and protective equipment;
  • availability of PEP;
  • avoidance of contaminated phlebotomy equipment;
  • appropriate training in phlebotomy;
  • cooperation on the part of patients.

What is a common complication of venipuncture?

Complications that can arise from venepuncture include haematoma formation, nerve damage, pain, haemaconcentration, extravasation, iatrogenic anaemia, arterial puncture, petechiae, allergies, fear and phobia, infection, syncope and fainting, excessive bleeding, edema and thrombus.

When is capillary blood appropriate?

Capillary blood collection and testing is preferable on neonates, infants and young children due to lack of appropriate veins and a reduced blood volume of the patient.

Which method is most commonly used to perform venipuncture?

Venipuncture Sites Venipuncture is most commonly performed on the Antecubital Fossa, which is the inside of the elbow. In this region, phlebotomists will usually decide between three veins including the median cubital vein, the cephalic vein, and the basilic vein.

What do you need to know about venepuncture blood collection?

All staff members collecting blood specimens via venepuncture are required to comply with this clinical procedure and must have completed the ‘Venepuncture and Blood Culture Collection’ course accessible via Capabiliti on the ACT Health Intranet.

What are the materials for a venipuncture procedure?

Blood Collection Process: Venipuncture. Venipuncture Procedure. ROUTINE VENIPUNCTURE GUIDELINES. MATERIALS. 1. Safety Needles, 22g or less. 2. Butterfly needles. 21g or less. 3. Syringes. 4. Vacutainer tube holder. 5. Transfer Device 6. Blood Collection Tubes. The vacuum tubes are designed to draw a predetermined volume of blood.

What to do if an occupational exposure occurs during a venepuncture?

This applies to all patients. If an occupational exposure occurred during the venepuncture procedure, the staff member involved should complete a Staff Accident Incident Report (SAIRS) in Riskman and contact the Canberra Hospital Occupational Medicine Unit (OMU) and follow their directions. After hours, contact the After Hours CNC via the switch.

What should ward staff do after a venepuncture?

Ward staff should document each completed venepuncture procedure in the patient’s clinical record, detailing any complications, assessment, interventions and patient outcome. Report any venepuncture problems or complications abnormal findings to a medical officer.