What is 91 in a phone number?
Country phone codes +91 is the assigned country calling code to India by the International Communication Union.
Where is the number +91?
91 is the country calling code for India.
What is my STD code?
STD Code List of Tier-1 Cities in India
STD Code | City Name | State Name |
44 | Chennai | Tamil Nadu |
40 | Hyderabad | Telengana |
80 | Bangalore | Karnataka |
20 | Pune | Maharashtra |
What is the country code of China?
China/Dialing codes
What STD code is 1243?
This change in the Chichester area code was implemented during PhONEday that happened in 1995. After 1995, the 1243 area code will be the new Chichester area code. It will be used alongside Chichester local numbers.
Where is the country code 91 in India?
India is country code +91(dialed from many countries as 00 91 or 011 91). Note that you must drop the trunk prefix 0 from the beginning of the Indian number. For example, Mumbai’s area code 022 becomes +91 22. New Delhi is area code +91 11. Mumbai (Bombay) is area code +91 22.
What does + 91 mean in a phone number?
+91 in a phone number represents that Indian phone number. +91 is country code of India which is use before indian phone numbers. The + sign in front of 91 signifies that it should be replaced by international access code. In most countries it is 00.
What does the plus sign mean on an international phone number?
By convention, international telephone numbers are represented by prefixing the country code with a plus sign (+), which also indicates to the subscriber that the local international call prefix must first be dialed. For example, the international call prefix in all countries belonging to the North American Numbering…
When do you need a country code to call another country?
Country codes are a component of the international telephone numbering plan, and are necessary only when dialing a telephone number to establish a call to another country.