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What is a basic definition of chromatography?

What is a basic definition of chromatography?

Chromatography is a process for separating components of a mixture. The different components of the mixture travel through the stationary phase at different speeds, causing them to separate from one another.

What is chromatography short answer?

What is chromatography? Answer. It is technique for rapid and efficient separation of components of a mixture and purification of compounds. It is based on differential migration of the various components of a mixture through a stationary phase under the influence of a moving phase.

What is chromatography Class 9 with example?

Chromatography is the collective term for a family of laboratory techniques for the separation of mixtures. It involves passing a mixture dissolved in a “mobile phase” through a stationary phase, which separates the analyte to be measured from other molecules in the mixture and allows it to be isolated. example…..

What is chromatography 11th chemistry?

Chromatography: It is a technique used to separate mixtures in to their components, purify. Compounds which can be solid or liquid and also test the purity of compounds. In this technique the mixture of substances are applied on to a stationary phase .

What is chromatography in 9th class?

Answer: Chromatography is the technique used for separation of those solutes that dissolve in the same solvent. To understand how this technique can be used let us perform an activity. Take a thin strip of filter paper.

What is chromatography and what is it for?

Chromatography, technique for separating the components , or solutes, of a mixture on the basis of the relative amounts of each solute distributed between a moving fluid stream, called the mobile phase, and a contiguous stationary phase.

What are 5 uses of chromatography?

5 Uses of Chromatography in Everyday Life Forensic Testing. Are you a fan of programmes like CSI and Law and Order? Performance Enhancing Drug Testing. Of course, not all blood samples are taken after death. Horsemeat Scandal. Quality You Can Taste. Ebola Immunisation.

What is the basic importance of chromatography?

Chromatography is one of the most important laboratory techniques used for separation and/or chemical analysis of complex mixtures. It is mostly implemented in science subjects such as chemistry and life sciences, especially in biochemistry. Chromatography comes from the Greek words , chroma meaning ‘color’ and graphein meaning ‘to write’.

What is the simplest explanation of chromatography?

Chromatography is actually a way of separating out a mixture of chemicals , which are in gas or liquid form, by letting them creep slowly past another substance, which is typically a liquid or solid.