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What is a cnidarians and how do they protect themselves from predators?

What is a cnidarians and how do they protect themselves from predators?

While some creatures such as sponges solve the dilemma of limited mobility by filtering the water for nutrients, cnidarians overcome the problem by deploying fast-acting neurotoxins through their stinging cells. These toxins can immobilize many prey and repel many predators upon contact.

What do cnidarians use for defense?

Cnidarians contain specialized cells known as cnidocytes (“stinging cells”), which contain organelles called nematocysts (stingers). These cells are present around the mouth and tentacles, serving to immobilize prey with toxins contained within the cells. Nematocysts contain coiled threads that may bear barbs.

What do cnidarians use for protection and to catch food?

All cnidarians possess stinging cells called nematocysts, which can be used for both protection and helping them to catch food.

What do many cnidarians use to hunt with and to defend themselves?

All Cnidarians have tentacles with stinging cells in their tips which are used to capture and subdue prey. In fact, the phylum name “Cnidarian” literally means “stinging creature.” The stinging cells are called cnidocytes and contain a structure called a nematocyst. The nematocyst is a coiled thread-like stinger.

What is the purpose of cnidarians?

Respiration and excretion in cnidarians are carried on by individual cells that obtain their oxygen directly from water—either that in the coelenteron or that of the environment—and return metabolic wastes to it. Thus, all physiological functions are carried out at no more than the tissue level of differentiation.

How does cnidarians get waste?

Cnidarians take in food through their mouths, which is then digested in the coelenteron. Nutrients are then passed to other areas of the body for use, and waste products are expelled either through the mouth or through surface cells via water circulation.

Why are cnidarians important to the ecosystem?

Cnidarians are very much important as predators in the open ocean. They help in the smooth functioning and working of the food chain and food web of the ocean ecosystem a lot. Cnidarians like the Coral reefs are considered to be one of the most diverse and valuable ecosystems on earth.