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What is a predicate pronoun in a sentence?

What is a predicate pronoun in a sentence?

A predicate pronoun is a pronoun that follows a linking verb and identifies the subject of a verb in a sentence. It can take the form of ”her”,…

How do you find a predicate pronoun?

A predicate pronoun is any pronoun that is part of the predicate. A predicate is the part of a sentence that includes the verb and the words following it that relate to that verb.

What is predicate give example?

A predicate is the part of a sentence, or a clause, that tells what the subject is doing or what the subject is. Let’s take the same sentence from before: “The cat is sleeping in the sun.” The clause sleeping in the sun is the predicate; it’s dictating what the cat is doing. Cute!

What is predicate give two examples?

Subject and Predicate Example: In this example, “Ivan” is the subject and “jumped” is the verb. “Jumped” is the predicate of the sentence. A predicate may also include additional modifiers with the verb that tell what the subject does. This is called a complete predicate.

What is a predicate pronoun as a subject complement?

A noun that performs the grammatical function of subject complement is also called a predicate nominative or predicate noun. In addition to nouns, pronouns may also perform the function of subject complement.

What is a predicate noun and a predicate pronoun?

The predicate nominative (or predicate noun) is the noun or pronoun that comes after a linking verb. It renames the subject of the sentence. One way to see if a sentence includes a predicate nominative is to substitute the verb with the word equals.

What are some predicate nouns?

Predicate nouns often describe the state of being of a subject noun. This can be a position (“manager”), identity (“my sister”), or the noun form of an action, or a gerund (“running”).

What is a simple predicate example?

A simple predicate is the basic word or words that explain what specific action the subject of the sentence is doing. So, in a sentence like ‘The boy walks to school,’ the simple predicate would be ‘walks. ‘

What are examples of conjunctions?

A conjunction is a word that joins words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. e.g., but, and, because, although, yet, since, unless, or, nor, while, where, etc. Examples.

What is a pronoun example?

A pronoun (I, me, he, she, herself, you, it, that, they, each, few, many, who, whoever, whose, someone, everybody, etc.) is a word that takes the place of a noun. There are three types of pronouns: subject (for example, he); object (him); or possessive (his).

Can a pronoun be a predicate noun?

A pronoun used as a predicate nominative is in the nominative case. A predicate nominative is a noun or pronoun after some form of to be (is, was, might have been, and so on). Predicate nominatives are the bad boys in the back row of homeroom because they equal trouble.

What does a predicate noun answer?

A predicate noun, or predicate nominative, is a noun or noun phrase that provides more information about the subject of the sentence. It completes a linking verb, like “to be.” Predicate nouns can only follow linking verbs because they’re expressing a state of being, not an action.