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What is a Ripio?

What is a Ripio?

Ripio is a bitcoin consumer financial service platform that has simplified the peer-to-peer payment system in a way that is accessible to anyone with a smartphone.

What does Fabe mean in Spanish?

feminine noun (Asturias) bean.

What does Tess mean in Spanish?

[tes ] or Tessa [ˈtesə ] (familiar forms) = Teresa.

What does Pasota mean in Spanish?

pasota, el ~ (m) neutral, the ~ Noun. free wheel, the ~ Noun.

Is Tess an Irish name?

Tess (feminine) a name chosen by Irish-Americans during the 1820-1920 century, Tess is being revived again by today’s Irish-Americans. Tessie (feminine) used in Ireland as a pet form of Teresa, Greek, “harvester.” Thaddeus (masculine) this form is used in Ireland and Scotland.

What is Pasote English?

masculine noun. slang. Spain. este coche es un pasote — this car is too much informal.